Leased Ad Space
This is R E Burden and welcome to my blog. I want to give you the benefit of my experiences as a blogger in Leads Ad Space as a part of the Build Your Matrix program I have enrolled in. Some of you may have had the same experiences, and you may see some things where I too could still improve. I appreciate any and all constructive comments. Maybe you could think of something I could add to my list, or maybe you could use some clarification on some point. That can all go in the comments below.
As I look into ways to help you blog, it forces me into researching and learning and finding more out so per haps I don’t have to make the mistakes I would make if I didn’t make this blog, so it’s a win win.
Helpful Tip #1: Sign up for the $7 Ad Pac before anything else!
I have been finding Richard Weberg’s videos of particular help. I just learned this morning that you can blog as a free member of Lead Ad Space, but your editor is extremely limited, and you cannot share any links. By getting that $7 ad pac, you can have access to all of your editing icons and you can create a link. You become a Pearl Member with all the rights thereof.
Helpful Tip #2: Write Your Blog Post in a Word Document First
For security reasons, such as keeping you from being hacked, after a period of time, you will be asked to log in again. You can lose everything you wrote. So it is much better if you have Word Document to write your blog post first off line. Then just copy, paste, and save as a draft. Once you have saved it as a draft, you can go back in and place your link, any photos or videos.
Helpful Tip #3: Put Your Link in the Link Field Only
If you look below the editor space, you will find a place for your link. This is the only place you should put the link to your product or service. Then you can use the hash-tagged link on the right for placing the link elsewhere within your blog post. This will increase your deliverability, and help make sure you don’t lose your text when you save it.
Helpful Tip #4: Find a list of Ad Header Prompts.
Your first impression is important so you want to make sure that your blog title is appealing to your audience. If you can copy and paste such a list into your Word Document, it will save you time and headaches in writing your blog. It gives you a track to run on. If you sign up for free with me at Build Your Matrix, just contact me and let me know, and I will send you 99 Article Headlines
Helpful Tip #5: Open Your Blog Right
Assume that this is the first blog poste your reader is reading. Make your reader feel welcome, and give him or her reason to keep reading. Remember, this is about finding a solution to a problem you reader has.
Helpful Tip #6: Refine Your Message
Make sure your message is clear. You should be able to state it in one sentence. Keeping it simple is the key. Don’t lose your reader by having multiple messages. If you have 2 main messages, break it into 2 separate blogs. Keep your main message short and simple.
Helpful Tip #7: Provide Useful Supporting Content.
This is where your bullet points come in. Make sure all of your bullet points offer support for your message. This could be proof of income. It could be a list of tips and tricks that will help solve a problem. You want to create a gap and then fill it. Fill your blog with valuable information that will make your reader want to keep reading.
Helpful Tip #8: Make Your Conclusion Strong
Don’t leave your readers with your last bullet point. Sum up your support for your message and how it solves the problem or fills the gap. End with purpose and clarity. Reiterate your message and drive it home
Helpful Tip #9: Have a Call to Action
Make sure your reader understands what you want him or her to do. Is there a program to join, or a product to buy? Make your offer appealing and give a reason for them not to hesitate to take you up on your offer.
Helpful Tip #10: Find Your Readers
For your blog readership to grow, you need to know how your readers feel about your message. Find the people who share your posts. Give them incentives to like, comment and share. You cannot build a strong readership without the right people helping you.
Helpful Tip #11: Monetize Your Blog
There are several ways you can go from a volunteer to a paid blogger.
- For one, you can use google adsense, which, however requires a huge list of subscribers.
- You can do affiliate marketing where you get paid for promoting a company’s products or services by use of a coded link that allows the company to which sales came from you.
- Sponsored Blogging where someone pays you to blog in such a way as to advertise their products or services.
- Selling your own products such as eBooks, online courses, etc.
Helpful Tip #12: Join Me at the “Build Your Matrix”
In BYM, you not only get
- Leased Ad Space with its $7 one time blog platform where you pay $7 one time only and can blog forever as well as place a solo ad once a month for your main business and have 2 banner ads to start,
- you can join an auto-responder with a matrix that goes 3 X 10 for $17.95 per month for unlimited list building.
- For one time $18 you get into a digital Financial Education 4 X 11 matrix program.
- There are other ad and monetizing strategy programs
- A video on how you can put it all together so you can build your matrix by transforming all links in the program to yours, so those who join through the one link you promote will pay you commissions..
- Once you are all set up you just promote your BYM link.
In Conclusion, these 12 tips are to help you get the most out of your $7 LAS program. You need to remember the acronym “FOCUS” where:
- F = First Impression – choosing a Title that will get the reader’s attention;
- O = open your blog in a friendly welcoming way
- C = central idea or message – only one per blog
- U = useful supporting information from experience and research
- S =strong conclusion, tying it all together
And above all, join Build Your Matrix with my team. Contact me when you have joined and I will send you 99 Headline Templates to make your blogging as easy as falling off a log. To the first 3people who join me and set up their Build Your Matrix Program, I will pin your link to the top of a Facebook Advertising Group until you have 3 people in your group.
If you have found value in this blog post, please like, comment, and share, and join me to monetize your own blog with
“Build Your Matrix".
About Robert Burden

My full name is Robert Edward Burden. I'm a Scripturist and a linguist., a retired school teacher and a polyglot, a husband and a father, a care-giver and an online marketer.