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Using Black Seed Oil For Cancer And Tumors
At the beginning of the 20th century, cancer was rare, occurring in roughly 3% of the population. This has now risen to about 40% and it has been estimated that more than one in three people will get cancer in their lifetime. In the 21st century, cancer is exceedingly common and second only to heart disease as the leading cause of death globally.
One simple solution to increase your chances of good health and survival is to take the blessed seed oil regularly. The first line of defense against cancer is your own immune system and copious amounts of research have shown that black seed is a powerful immunomodulator. It ramps up the depressed immune system and calms down the overactive one.
Taking just a teaspoon of our oil daily is like an insurance policy against getting a devastating illness whilst strengthening your body to achieve maximum health. Of course, you should also do your part by avoiding as many toxins as you can, including those in your physical and emotional environment.
Unlike drugs with nasty side effects, the worst black seed can do is nothing.
We cannot claim that black seed cures cancer but we can assert that it equips your body with the tools it needs to fight this scourge and reduces your risk of getting it in the first place.
Cancer is the fastest growing disease in the modern world
The number of world cancer cases will rise by nearly 75% in 2030 according to a recently published study in the British medical journal, The Lancet. [1]
Cancer is likely to be the “major cause of morbidity and mortality in the coming decades in every region of the world.” 90% of the increase in cases of cancer will be in developing countries.
Researchers under Freddie Bray of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, found that there were 12.7 million new cases of cancer in 2008 and that this figure will rise to 22.2 million by 2030.
Among the many reasons for the dramatic rise in cancer are demographic and lifestyle factors, smoking, depleted nutrients in our food, drug use, alcohol, chemicals, and air pollution.
Black seed (aka nigella seeds, black cumin, kalonji, fennel flower, etc.) has been used for centuries as a serious herbal remedy for the treatment of many long-established diseases, including cancer, but it also shows enormous potential for the treatment of contemporary conditions like radiation poisoning and the adverse effects of chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy and Radiation
Numerous studies have shown that black seed and its active principle thymoquinone can protect the body against the deleterious effects of chemotherapy and radiation whilst enhance their potency.
“In multiple myeloma treatment, thymoquinone can enhance the anticancer activity of bortezomib in vitro and in vivo, and can even overcome chemoresistance.”
“Doxorubicin is another chemotherapeutic drug, whose anticancer activity is improved by combining thymoquinone in a cell-line specific manner, specifically in HL-60 and multi-drug resistant MCF-7/TOPO cancer cells.”
“Cisplatin is one of the most active chemotherapeutic agents in lung cancer. Combination of cisplatin and thymoquinone is highly effective in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines and mouse xenograft model; this combination is even able to overcome the cisplatin resistance… In fact, thymoquinone was reported to be more potent than cisplatin in killing human cervical squamous carcinoma cells”
“Thymoquinone also increased the efficacy of tamoxifen in inducing apoptosis in human breast cancer cells”
“Glioblastoma multiforme is one of the most lethal forms of human cancer, and thymoquinone was found to enhance the anticancer activity of temozolomide, which is currently part of the standard treatment for this disease.”
“A recent study showed that thymoquinone can potentiate the chemopreventive effect of vitamin D during the initiation phase of colon cancer in a rat model”
“In addition to chemotherapeutic combination, as an adjuvant, thymoquinone also mediates radiosensitization and cancer chemo-radiotherapy”
“in combination with a single dose of ionizing radiation…thymoquinone was found to exert supra-additive cytotoxic effects on MCF7 and T47D breast cancer cells by enhancing apoptosis and cell cycle modulation. Interestingly, our group recently found that thymoquinone can synergistically enhance the potential of another therapeutic agent, miR-34a”
About Alf Osterberg

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