Leased Ad Space
Use this bitcoin machine to receive consitent micro-payments all day long
Published by val balomosi — 07-10-2018 07:07:21 AM
Have you ever heard "it is like a money printing machine"?
Well here it is a BTC printing machine, I know you can't print BTC but you sure can earn them here. Sent the following message and by now you know that you don't have to worry.
Here my friend you share this on a constant basis and you keep getting paid over and over. You are in control of how much you want to make. In July our system is going to be more automated.
The system is very simple and about the only question I get is do I have to wait for my payment to be confirm before I make the next one. No you make payment to #1 send proof of payment do #2 send proof of payment do #3 and keep doing it till you have made the 6 payments.
MyDigital6 Main Site
You may want to watch the video to learn more about what people are doing to create large sums of bitcoin by receiving consistent "micro-payments" of anywhere from $1.00 to $6.00 all throughout the day to their own bitcoin wallet.
LIVES will be CHANGED with this Program! Some Members will be earning $100K in their first 30-40 days starting with just $21 Bitcoin!
If you decide to do this, my email and bitcoin payment address is shown at position #1 below.
You would begin mailing this same invite out with your name at #1, but not until you have collected all six of the MD6 “Product Reply” emails.
Reach me if any questions,
Val Balomosi
…. So why are others so excited about this ?
An absolutely brand new, first-of-its-kind bitcoin earner just released. There is no trading or binary in this amazing program.
No robots. No mining either.
This is not a matrix. There are no levels, or pyramid design. No mysterious middle man taking our funds and running. Completely legit & compliant with all country codes Not an MLM either as a matter of fact.
So what is it then? It is a fusion of old world Chain Letter- meeting high tech Social Platforms-meets word of mouth product referring. Earn daily bitcoin-paid directly to your own personal wallet/acct.
We simply refer our friends, family, and any other various contacts of ours to a simple "digital product hub" website that houses 6 products that they can buy directly from us. That’s right; we are granted full license to earn 100% commissions from every sale of these digital products.
Sounds pretty simple but not very rewarding right? WELL...
You will consistently see $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, and $6 dollar micro payments come directly into your own personal bitcoin acct (wherever that may be), throughout the day, every day.
You have NEVER seen anything like this! Witness the power of exponential mathematics and sheer compounding growth in this, the most exciting launch since Bitcoin itself! See the 2 explainer videos, all 6 product videos, instructions, and more at this Iceland-born website:
Click no links on the site please as they link to original members
Once you have learned more at the site and are ready, send me $1.00 in bitcoin to:
Member #1: “Me”
PAY $1.00 in Bitcoin to:
Note that it will take approx. 15 minutes or longer L for your transaction i.d. number to populate at your bitcoin provider. Once it does, copy it into the "product Request #1" email (that you download from the site) and email it to me.
Once I verify your payment at my bitcoin provider, I will send you your "Product Reply #1" email within 30 hours (as required by the program). I’m usually a lot faster than that though.
Now repeat this buying process 5 more times starting with paying member #2 below $2.00 in bitcoin, member #3 $3.00, member #4 $4.00, etc.
See further instructions at:
NOTE: Just in case you are having problems with the downloads, I have included them below all 6 letters are there so once you made your payment to me send proof with letter #1. Then when you made payment #2 send proof with letter #2 and so on until you have done all 6.
Total investment for six new self-help and internet training products is $21.00 (one time… ever). Buying these products from the six of us members here grants you ownership of all six "Product Reply" emails (like the 1st one I'm soon to send you).
Once you have all six reply emails collected, you are ready to remove the 6th (the last) member here and move the rest of us members down to place yourself at the 1st position on this invite and mail away!! Note that I would then appear at the #2 position in your newly adjusted email and the member at the current #2 position below would drop to #3, and so on. Please remember also that when you move each one down to also change the amount to be sent to each member. Like when you move me to #2 also change the amount to be sent to me to $2. Same with all the rest. #2 to #3 change to $3 and so on.
Member #2 :
PAY $2.00 in Bitcoin to:
Member #3
PAY $3.00 in Bitcoin to:
Member #4
PAY #4.00 in Bitcoin to:
Member #5:
PAY $5.00 in Bitcoin to:
Member #6:
PAY $6.00 in Bitcoin to:
All 6 Downloads (Letters you must use) for proof of payments.
Official “product request #1” email:
Open up in any pdf software and select the "edit" button.
From there, double-click anywhere in this body to copy and paste.
Subject line:
Product #1 request & proof
Hello affiliating MD6 member,
Please send me the link and password to the MD6 product #1, “Focus.. Or Else!!” downloads page. I would be happy to become a part of your mailing list for any future ventures or products you may discover. If you would like to send an “opt-in” email to me I will be happy to complete it.
I have enclosed a pic of my bitcoin transaction here, equaling
$1.00 in this email.
Here is the $1.00 transaction i.d. number from my bitcoin provider for you to verify: Hash code
Please reply to me ASAP as I am in a hurry to collect all six (6) of the “product reply emails” and get started as an official MD6 product affiliate!
Some tips from MD6 regarding this template:
NEVER alter the subject line above when you send out this #1 request. Your selling member is likely getting hundreds of the various six (6) request
emails every day and he or she needs to see the “#1” at or near the very beginning of each email subject line he/she receives.
Having the “#1” show up within the first 30 characters allows for every selling member to reply in bulk to all of the “Product Request #1”
emails they get every day. Even cell phone-only members can see the
“#1” and know to bulk reply.
Keep this entire email intact as an overall part of the official “Focus.. Or Else!!” product #1 request, including this sentence.
Official “product request #2” email:
Open up in any pdf software and select the "edit" button. From there, double-click anywhere in this body to copy and paste.
Subject line:
Product #2 request & proof
Hello affiliating MD6 member,
Please send me the link and password to the MD6 product #2, “Modernized Techniques In Email Marketing” downloads page.
I would be happy to become a part of your mailing list for any future ventures or products you may discover. If you would like to send an “opt-in” email to me I will be happy to enroll into it.
I have enclosed a pic of my bitcoin transaction here, equaling $2.00
in this email.
Here is the $2.00 transaction i.d. number from my bitcoin provider for you to verify: Hash code
Please reply to me ASAP as I am in a hurry to collect all six (6)of the “Product Reply” emails and get started as an official MD6 product affiliate!
Some tips from MD6 regarding this template:
NEVER alter the subject line (shown above) when you send out this #2
request. Your selling member is likely getting hundreds of the various six (6) request emails every day and he or she needs to see the “#2” at or near the very beginning of each email subject line he/she receives.
Having the “#2” show up within the first 30 characters allows for every selling member to reply in bulk to all of the “Product Request” emails they get every day. Even cell phone-only members can see the “#2” and then easily reply in bulk.
Keep this entire email intact as an overall part of the official “Modernized Techniques ...” product #2 request, including this sentence.
Official “product request #3” email:
Open up in any pdf software and select the "edit" button. From there, double-click anywhere in this body to copy and paste.
Subject line:
Product #3 request & proof
Hello affiliating MD6 member, Please send me the link and password to the MD6 product #3 “Introducing.. The New You” downloads page.
I would be happy to become a part of your mailing list for any future ventures or products you may discover. If you would like to send an “opt-in” email to me I will be happy to enroll into it.
I have enclosed a pic of my bitcoin transaction here, equaling $3.00
in this email.
Here is the $3.00 transaction i.d. number from my bitcoin provider for you to verify: Hash code
Please reply to me ASAP as I am in a hurry to collect all six (6)of the “Product Reply” emails and get started as an official MD6 product affiliate!
Some tips from MD6 regarding this template: NEVER alter the subject
line (shown above) when you send out this #3request. Your selling member is likely getting hundreds of the various six (6) request
emails every day and he or she needs to see the “#3” at or near the very beginning of each email subject line he/she receives. Having the “#3” show up within the first 30 characters allows for every selling member to reply in bulk to all of the “Product Request” emails they get every day. Even cell phone-only members can see the “#3” and then easily reply in bulk.
Keep this entire email intact as an overall part of the official “Introducing.. The New You” product #3 request, including this sentence.
Official “product request #4” email:
Open up in any pdf software and select the "edit" button. From there, double-click anywhere in this body to copy and paste.
Subject line:
Product #4 request & proof
Hello affiliating MD6 member,
Please send me the link and password to the MD6 product #4, “From the Ashes of Adversity” downloads page. I would be happy to become a part of your mailing list for any future ventures or products you may discover. If you would like to send an “opt-in” email to me I will be happy to complete it.
I have enclosed a pic of my bitcoin transaction here, equaling $4.00 in this email.
Here is the $4.00 transaction i.d. number from my bitcoin provider for you to verify: Hash code
Please reply to me ASAP as I am in a hurry to collect all six (6) of the “product reply emails” and get started as an official MD6 product affiliate!
Some tips from MD6 regarding this template:
NEVER alter the subject line above when you send out this #4 request. Your selling member is likely getting hundreds of the various six (6) request
emails every day and he or she needs to see the “#4” at or near the very beginning of each email he/she receives.
Having the “#4” show up within the first 30 characters allows for every selling member to reply in bulk to all of the “Product Request #4” emails they get every day. Even cell phone-using members can see the “#4” and know to bulk reply.
Keep this entire email intact as an overall part of the official “From the Ashes of Adversity” product #4 request, including this sentence.
Official “product request #5” email:
Open up in any pdf software and select the "edit" button. From there, double-click anywhere in this body to copy and paste.
Subject line:
Product #5 request & proof
Hello affiliating MD6 member,
Please send me the link and password to the MD6 product #5, “The Laptop Marketing Lifestyle” downloads page.
I would be happy to become a part of your mailing list for any future ventures or products you may discover. If you would like to send an “opt-in” email to me I will be happy to complete it.
I have enclosed a pic of my bitcoin transaction here, equaling $5.00
in this email.
Here is the $5.00 transaction i.d. number from my bitcoin provider for you to verify: Hash code
Please reply to me ASAP as I am in a hurry to collect all six (6) of the “product reply emails” and get started as an official MD6 product affiliate!
Some tips from MD6 regarding this template:
NEVER alter the subject line above when you send out this #5 request. Your selling member is likely getting hundreds of the various six (6) request
emails every day and he or she needs to see the “#5” at or near the very beginning of each email subject line he/she receives.
Having the “#5” show up within
the first 30 characters allows for every selling member to reply in bulk to
all of the “Product Request #5” emails they get every day. Even cell phone-only members can see the “#5” and know to bulk reply.
Keep this entire email intact as an overall part of the official “The Laptop Marketing Lifestyle” product #5 request, including this sentence.
Official “product request #6” email:
Open up in any pdf software and select the "edit" button. From there, double-click anywhere in this body to copy and paste.
Subject line:
Product #6 request & proof
Hello affiliating MD6 member, Please send me the link and password to the MD6 product #6, “The Solo Ad Traffic Plan”
downloads page. I would be happy to become a part of your mailing list for any future ventures or products you may discover. If you would like to send an “opt-in” email to me I will be happy to complete it.
I have enclosed a pic of my bitcoin transaction here, equaling $6.00
in this email.
Here is the $6.00 transaction i.d. number from my bitcoin provider for you to verify: Hash code
Please reply to me ASAP as I am in a hurry to collect all six (6) of the “product reply emails” and get started as an official MD6 product affiliate!
Some tips from MD6 regarding this template:
NEVER alter the subject line above when you send out this #6 request. Your selling member is likely getting hundreds of the various six (6) request
emails every day and he or she needs to see the “#6” at or near the very beginning of each email subject line he/she receives.
Having the “#6” show up within the first 30 characters allows for every selling member to reply in bulk to All of the “Product Request #6” emails they get every day. Even cell phone-only members can see the “#6” and know to bulk reply.
Keep this entire email intact as an overall part of the official “The Solo Ad Traffic Plan” product #6 request, including this sentence.
About val balomosi

Lorsque l'on souhaite faire du business en ligne, une chose est essentielle : avoir du trafic pour ses offres. On m' a proposé Leased Ad Space à de nombreuses reprises, sans que je n'y porte aucune attention. Et pourtant, la persévérance de mon parrain, à m'envoyer des mails, à fait qu'au bout d'un moment, j'ai quand même daigné regardé ce qu'on me proposait et franchement, grand bien m'en a pris ! Toutes les personnes qui ont activité en ligne, quelle qu'elle soit, devraient également y prêter attention et devenir membre car la qualité des packs publicitaires proposés et leur coût très bas (du moins pour le premier), est excessivement pas rare pour ne pas dire unique, sur le net. Je l'utilise les différents outils publicitaires, pour promotionner mes autres programmes, et/ou produits. Je vous souhaite à tous, le même succès qu'à moi. Si vous ne comprenez pas l'anglais, regardez la vidéo sur mon blog (lien dans "my favorite program 2"), et n'oubliez pas d'activer les sous-titres en français ! ********************************************************************************* Every person who is trying to make money online, whaterver the program, offer, product is, needs 1 thing to succeed : TRAFFIC ! That's exactly what Leased Ad Space proposes to its members : affordable quality advertising packages, that give results ! My sponsor's sent to me many many emails to present LAS, & it takes a long long time, before I accept to have a look. What a pity to have lost so long time ! I now, use the ad services proposed, almost every to promote the programs I'm a member of, or the products I sell. If you are not yet a member, do not do the same mistake : join now !