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Guess what?.. Success is usually closer than YOU THINK. Just one more step, one more try can make all the difference in the world.
The problem is all too often we are so consumed with the possibility of failure until we lose sight of our opportunities for success. Let me just give you a word to the wise. "Don't worry about the failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try" (Jack Canfield). When I look back on the winners in life most of them won and became successful when they stretched themselves beyond their level of comfort.
The only thing that stops us from moving forward and reaching success is the multitude of negative mental scripts and self limiting beliefs and doubts that we have internally acquired from well-meaning friends and family. Yeah, You know what I mean...It started as kid when mama said "Don't you climb up that tree boy, you're gonna fall and hurt yourself"... and then it progressed as you got older to..."Say what? you starting a business? You need to stay on your job and keep that steady income cause most businesses fail."
Get your mind right. NEVER LOSE HOPE! When the sun goes down the STARS come out at night! Shake off all those doubts, fears, and self limiting beliefs. When you do, you'll receive a burst of energy and confidence that will allow you to continue and turn the corner to reach your dreams, and goals in life and to become successful.
The doubt and fear you have, were instilled into your subconscious mind from childhood onward. You were born to WIN , and you become unstoppable when you run the race you were born to win.
The only thing stat stops you from taking that one more step ... that one more try is YOU! Be persistent and consistent. Never quit because quitters never win and winners never quit.
Ready to explore your options for success? I live a laptop lifestyle. Find out how here: I WAS BORN TO WIN
About Bobbie Dix

I am an entrepreneur. Online income is what I generate daily.