HOW CYCLES OF WEALTH WORKS and How you can Put it to Work for you

Published by Pete Ade — 03-09-2017 11:03:52 PM

CyclesofWealth is a web-based bitcoin advertising and revenue sharing platform.Our revenue share program is based on a 4 stage wealth cycler whereby every cycler line pays 300% per Ad Position when it cycles out. Every time a new position is bought in a line, a percentage of the cost of that Ad Position is added to the top position. When that top Ad Position earnings reaches 300% , it matures and cycles out.

THE OVERFLOW SYSTEM: When an Ad Position earnings reaches 300% it matures and cycles out. Our unique overflow system will place a new Ad Position at the bottom of the Next Cycler Line and deduct the cost of that position from the cycle earnings. The remaining is added to the available balance of that member. Only in the last line (the $80.00 cycler line) this doesn't happen because there is no next line after the last line of course.

Members can buy positions in any of the 4 wealth lines directly but you must own a position in a lower cycler line before you can purchase in a higher line. Meaning , in other to buy a $10.00 cycler line, you must own at least One ad position in the $5.00 cycler line.

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About Pete Ade


"No Marketer Left Behind" Advocate