Anti-hype and honesty to build a realistic hard working team.

Published by Jackie Ohnmeiss — 01-26-2017 12:01:58 AM

If you "hyped" up your program or income earnings and people join your home business expecting to earn a pile of cash (because you said they would)... then when the millions do NOT roll in by the end of the month for them - pow, out the door they go. Unless you're a heavy hitter then you just can't afford the loss unless you can afford to put more time (or money) into your business to make up for the disillusioned drop-outs that YOU have just created. Promises: Don't make promises with your mouth that your resources cannot back up, you'll lose their trust and again just when you think they'll hang in there a while longer - they're gone.

Tell them what you CAN do to help them, not what you hope or wish you could do for them. This is your team, your business so give it to them straight just like you would with a family member. Sure, just say it... "I've been with the company "x" years and I put in"x" hours a night doing [fill in space] and now I earn "$" per month which isn't more then my regular job but it pays for my [mortgage or car or rent or satellite]. Let them know it was tough going at the beginning but I'm glad I hung in there and didn't give up. If you want free money I can't show you how to do that. If you want to work hard now to benefit later, I can show you exactly how I did it". So, tell them the real deal and if they go running & screaming into the darkness that's perfectly OK, they weren't serious to begin with and they wouldn't do much for your business anyways. They are looking for that million dollar a month "I promise you" program, let them go find it, they'll bail from that later on while you're still focusing on your current team of "realistic workers", so don't be concerned.

Work closely with those that are willing to work as hard as YOU and who understand that they must (really) work if they're going to earn anything that makes it worth their time & money investment. There are many people "testing" the home business waters these days and one day they will show up at your home business door. If you had to fill them full of dreams that can never realistically be attained (even by you) just to get them to join you, then you've already shot yourself in the home business face. Sooner or later they will realize that the $10k a month, big house and fancy car wasn't about them, you or even the team you spoke of - it was just smoke and mirrors and they can't pay the rent with that. They are now in the position where they must also sell the same to others, many will not and they'll go shopping for a new home business and there's your new drop-out member, there goes your attrition rate.

Get ready to put in some more time and money to make up for the loss unless your straight with them from the start. Most people would be perfectly happy with a few hundred dollars extra a month. That's their car payment, groceries or utility bill. So if your home business can provide this for them, let them know what "IS" possible, not what a very (very) small percentage of people in the company actually make.

Help them get there with honestly and they'll stay on your team virtually forever. Isn't that what you want out of your business? A long term "consistent" monthly residual income. [just say yes here] So look at the long term results of your words and actions and stop selling the hype, don't say millions, nobody cares what your upline or the owner of the company earns, don't make promises you can't keep and be honest about their potential income. They deserve that and so do you. And with that business model and frame of mind you'll be spending less time fixing the holes in your home business dam, and more time taking care of and working with your current realistic team members who are working hard towards their goal of $300 a month and who are the true core of YOUR business.

Take care, more soon!

About Jackie Ohnmeiss


I have been an Affiliate Marketer for years now an enjoy working from home. I like Leased Ad Space because it provides advertising "and" the opportunity to earn at the same time - especially the opportunity to earn from home and for only $7, I liked that part! --> To join now and grab your 100% FREE, no strings attached position on our Leased Ad Space team simply do this... Go here: And YOU are all set! I'll see you on the team (FREE) and I'll see YOU at the top too!