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What can you do if search engine optimization doesn't work for you and you still want to rank well for your main keywords? What are the possible alternatives? Let's take a look.
In the last article I discussed how some sites have been able to generate revenue purely by performing keyword research and ranking well for the most common keywords in their niche. In this article we'll see what else they can do.
If you've been paying any attention at all to content syndication and social media marketing you'll know that they are not mutually exclusive methods of site promotion - in fact, they are complimentary.
You can perform SEO for your site while also running a social media and content syndication campaign together. In fact, they are really just different approaches to improving SEO.
Social media is one area where your site is already performing well - you are already making a positive first impression. So, for example, if your site doesn't do well for the keyword "accountancy" in that you don't receive many visitors per day, then you've already won the SEO battle!
But, if you have already done well for that keyword, then you can start pushing hard for other keywords in your niche - and you can continue doing so even when you are not performing well for the primary keyword.
You can get a significant amount of traffic for those other keywords too! This is because you have built a reputation - a good one - in the eyes of your visitors. You have a good volume of followers on Twitter and Facebook. You have a solid reputation among all your friends on LinkedIn (if you have one). And, as I said earlier - as your reputation grows, the content from your site will be more relevant to future search terms.
Content Syndication
Content syndication is also not mutually exclusive. You can push your SEO efforts while also pushing your social media marketing efforts together. For example, you can start posting on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites while also pushing content for your site - even if they are not performing well for the keyword you're trying to rank well for.
If you're really serious about pushing your SEO efforts and social media efforts together, then you'll want to start doing the same things simultaneously. In fact, you may want to focus on content syndication while pushing your social media marketing efforts at the same time.
For example, if you have your social media accounts set up and optimized, you can start writing content.
You can then link up your content to the search term you are trying to be #1 for - even if it's not performing too well for that search term right now.
The more you push these efforts together, the more effective they are going to be. And, if you're able to pull these efforts together while still doing other things effectively, your site will perform much better on both - and you can enjoy increased profits along the way!
About Paul Rice

My name is Paul Rice l have been on the web for about 15 years and an expert in affiliate marketing and list building and I specialize in helping honest hard working people from all walks of life find new and exciting ways of making money for themselves by utilizing many of the income producing resources that's available online. Through the power of team work, the Internet, and by aligning yourself with quality Top Preforming online business opportunities it's possible to actually make more money. Online marketing is an open doorway to personal income and success Internet and Network Marketer / Entrepreneur / #MakeMoneyOnline Before Becoming A Full Time Successful Internet Marketing Professional, I Spent Over 10 Years as a Chief Executive