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I know, I know, everyone is dreaming of finding a system that can set them financially free. Well, I believe I’ve stumbled upon one of the best residual income systems ever created. You be the judge.
But hold on. Let me ask this first. Don’t you have higher aspirations than just becoming financially secure? C’mon, of course you do. We all do. There’s the extra pounds we want to take off, the more time we want to invest in our kids, and a multitude of other things, that when we accomplish them, will make us much more fulfilled.
Well, here’s how to do it. In other words, here’s how to have everything you want in life—on your terms.
All you have to do is to STOP waiting for OTHER people to give you permission to do stuff and STOP thinking you have to “just do it” to get ahead in life. Look, “action” is critical. But unfortunately, people think they have to DO something, or have to GET something. Because all the books we buy put “BEING” as the last step, and since most people don’t FEEL successful, they never get out of the gate. Thus, they rarely elevate to what it is they see themselves becoming. Make sense?
So what I did was reverse everything. I WAS successful in my MIND way before I knew what to DO and long before I knew HOW to manifest everything I wanted and now have in my life. So here’s the lesson: BE (in your mind) “rich” and BE the person you’d like to BE. And that ALONE will give you the strength to get everything moving—and into momentum. You see, “being” leads to thinking, which leads to “action”, which leads to “having.”
When you start BEING, you won’t need other people’s permission to start trying new stuff. And you’ll already be ready to “do anything” and to “try anything” and then from there, when you goof up, and you will, you will already be on the road to success—by eliminating—one-by-one—all the things that don’t work. But NONE OF THAT even starts unless you are in BE mode and would allow yourself to start.
How did a “dweeb wannabe” like me turn everything around? I did it by giving myself permission to build a website. I gave myself permission to write books, create ads and invest in the financial markets. Where would I be if I had waited to “get everything right?”
Moral of the story: STOP waiting for everyone’s approval. Just BE whatever it is you want to transform yourself into.
While you ponder that, be sure to check this out.
About Archie Royce

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