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Robert Richardson
Contact Info
Skype - poppop7213
Facebook - boUSAbr8000
Twitter - bobr8000
Location - Telford, PA
Join Date - 2016-09-12
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About Me
Some of you may know me from my anti-bully campaign where I was so horrifically bullied from the same very aggressive work place bully that when he bullied me both in front of management and co-workers and alone, I became in a sudden state of total shock where I really didn't know who to turn to or what to do.
I first met this person when I was moved into a new department where I had once worked. We first started out as good friends, then after a couple of years (2005) he suddenly turned on me where I was most vulnerable.
My feeling’s of being in total shock was actually symptoms of PTSD.
Anyway I discovered that some Senior Management from the company where I had worked for over 10 years, actually approved of this co-workers constant bad behavior because they wanted to get rid of me, regardless as to whether I was doing a great job or not.
Long story short my position was outsourced from that company in 2007. I felt great that I would finally be free of this horrible person.
Big mistake, after I left he kept tabs of me wherever I lived and worked around the country. He followed me from Wilmington DE to Little Rock AR where he vandalized my car which was parked where I lived.
After I left Little Rock , I went to a new position in Pittsburgh PA where he actually followed me up there and had not only destroyed my reputation but also had gotten me fired from that other second company only three weeks after my boss had told me that I was doing a great job.
Long Story short, I was in a state of severe depression for over 3 plus years where I was being treated for PTSD.
Then as luck had it, I stumbled into a few very successful online businesses. Shortly after that, from the excellent people I have been meeting, I actually bounced out of all that depression and have been felling very positive about myself. Not only do I love life, but I even stopped taking anxiety medication which had been helping me sleep.
I now have been taking HiBurn8 product each evening where I not only have been loosing weight but I sleep like a baby. Also with my affiliation with Skinny Body Care I am now seeing a nice monthly income stream.
I stay up working on my online business and go to bed when I’m tired. I also go to the Gym and take Kenpo Karate.
As for my anti-bully campaign, I offer to help those who are in need whenever I can as a free service. I published my book on amazon which tells my horrific story and some lessons learned. If you know anyone who is current being bullied please send them my links below. Over 4000 young children commit suicide each year as a direct result to bullying. Here my links:
My Book on Amazon:…/…/ref=sr_1_2…
Android anti-bully app on Google Play:…
I-Phone anti-bully app on the Apple Store:…/bully-proof-assist…/id1115440058…
Thanks for your support and God Bless,
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