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Melaney Bridges
Contact Info
Skype - melaneycbridges
Facebook - melaney.bridges9
Location - Butner, NC
Join Date - 2016-08-22
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About Me
My name is Melaney Bridges
I go by several nicknames: Melly Mel, Melon, and Ms. Melaney (my favorite) are the most common.
I was born and raised in North Carolina and still live here.
I've decided NC will always be home and I will travel everywhere my heart desires.
My favorite pets are bunnies (Holland lop and Flemish giant), puppies (corgi, frenchie bulldog, teacup Maltese) and guinea pigs.
My passions include anything related to computers and internet, building wealth, and natural hair.
My hobbies are trucking, traveling, singing, drawing, writing, and researching.
I love to learn and teach. Teaching builds character because it takes patience, discipline, and commitment.
My make money from home journey started in 2010.
I was a 20 year old sandwich artist two years out of high school not pursuing a college degree and I didn't have any real plans for my future.
Affiliate Marketing has been the only field I've managed to stick with despite the many challenges I've run into including "shiny ball syndrome" and scams.
Unfortunately I was lured into making money online during the claims of online riches in a short period of time.
Today I am proud of my growth and understanding that in order to achieve success as an affiliate you must understand:
-There is no push button to riches
-Time and sometimes money are almost always required to achieve any real success so you need to be patient and prepared to work.
-The greatest success comes from teamwork and a system that get results
-Money can be made with any program that other people are earning with if there's an actionable plan and YOU actually follow it daily.
-Sponsors are overrated (unless you luck up and get a sponsor who realizes their success is dependent upon yours).
-Earning online requires tons of testing and scaling so, again, patience is required.
Making money online can be done if a former Sandwich Artist managed to do it.
It really all boils down to how bad you really want to earn a full time income online and then get yourself a wealth building strategy to secure yourself and your family.
That's all I've got for now....
Ms. Melaney out!!!
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