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This message is from a gentleman named Don Reid.It's a strong message
that I've enjoyed and I hope you enjoy it and that it brings you value.
Today is a great day to really explain what I call The Dream Building Virus: Dream Building How and Why It Works and Why You Better Get Into It Real Soon
It’s Sunday morning and I’m studying a course about Facebook Marketing. I know I can make a lot more income if I get batter at buying advertising. So I’ve invested in books and online courses about Facebook Advertising. It’s not because I want to learn that stuff, in fact, I don’t even like it. But I have some dreams which need more money for them to be fulfilled.
Allow me to give you an aside before getting into the essence of this post. I’m here at my computer doing a course and I began thinking of some reasons why I’m doing it. Part of my dreams is to be much fitter and healthier. So ….
It’s the first day of fasting. That means no food at all. All we can consume is water, tea, coffee and vegetable broth. We are shooting to go 5 days. The most I’ve gone before is 4 days. It’s the first time for Theary. Maybe I’ll write about that some other time. If you’re interested in learning the benefits of Intermittent Fasting there’s plenty on Google and YouTube. By the way, just so you know, the first day is the hardest, thats the hungriest you will feel. After the first day the hunger will disappear. It’s quite astonishing.
Anyway, as I say, it’s Sunday morning here in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Our Nephews Birthday Party
My wife, Theary is pottering around cleaning up the remnants of a kids pool party we hosted yesterday. Great time, such lovely well-behaved kids. I would not be surprised if they are all suffering a sugar crash today though. Normally Asian kids don’t eat much in the way of junk sugary food. They really eat mostly green leafy vegetables, rice, a little meat and fruit. Probably why they are all slim and full of energy. Even when they are presented with western treats they are still very picky which ones they will eat.
We’re also planning a two-week vacation in China in September. So far it looks like we will go to Hong Kong for a couple of nights then fly to Beijing to see The Great Wall and then down to Shanghai to check out the very impressive skyline. Theary has never been to China so it’s going to be an awesome adventure. I can’t wait to make some videos while hiking The Great Wall.
Next week a good friend of mine from London is coming to visit. Currently he is vacationing in neighboring Vietnam. When he arrives, we will all go for a few days’ vacation by the sea.
Women catching crabs at Kep. Taken from a restaurant
We will go to Kampot, Kep and maybe even Shianoukville. I absolutely love the seafood at Kep and that’s saying a lot because I do not normally like seafood at all. They have a bunch of seafood restaurants right on the waters edge. You can sit and watch the seafood being caught and then brought to the restaurant for cooking. How’s that for fresh!
Cu Chi Tunnels Vietnam
I met my friend on a bus tour in Saigon back in 2012. The tour was to Cu Chi Tunnels. These were the huge network of tunnels used by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. On a side note the Vietnamese call that war The American War.
The tunnels were used very extensively and were used for housing, hospitals, kitchens, lectures, storing weapons and ammunition and for attacking the enemy. At Cu Chi I went in one of the tunnels, which was a huge mistake as I’m quite claustrophobic and really thought I was going to have a heart attack. My heart felt like it was going to burst through my chest. To get through the tunnel, which was multi-leveled I mostly had to duck walk and sometimes slither on my belly. For the next 7 days I could hardly walk.
The White Temple
In a couple of weeks Theary is going to Bangkok with her newly pregnant sister on a shopping expedition. Thailand is the most popular tourist destination in the world. In the first 6 months of 2017 there were 17 million tourists. Tons of places to go with lots of interesting things to see and do. I recently posted about a road trip we did to the infamous Golden Triangle.
We’ve been to Bangkok many times and always love it, it’s such a huge, energetic, chaotic, fun metropolis. Outside of Bangkok we also love Phuket, Hua Hin, Pattaya and Chiang Mai
Ok so why am I writing all this about traveling and good times?
I’ll tell you why, because the lifestyle we enjoy was my dream. I really internalized the dream and thought of it every day. I looked at travel sites, watched videos of amazing faraway places. I wanted it so bad I could taste it.
Then I worked my arse off. Simple as that. Sometimes I didn’t know if what I was doing was right or wrong but I learned that you can’t steer a parked car. As long as you are doing the work, something will happen that makes it all worthwhile in the end.
One time I was working on building a business and no matter what I did it just didn’t take off. Very frustrating and depressing. I just kept going and suddenly from my efforts a completely different opportunity sprang up which ending up grossing $18 Million over the following 6 years!
If you don’t have a big enough dream, you’re not going to do the work.
Building a big huge dream is so important for your future.
I had a close friend and business partner. He and his wife used to maintain what they called a “dream book”. It was a scrap book with lots of photos they had cut out of magazines and pasted into this book.
Sounds dumb right?
Before you write off this idea and laugh, let me tell you something
Sometimes they would show me their dream book. One thing they had in the book was a photo of a Harley Davidson, nothing unusual about that, just it’s color. It was a very rare, blue color that no one had seen before. Kind of a turquoise. Two years later we were discussing his upcoming birthday. By this time, we were all doing well and I suggested we go to the Harley dealership and check out some bikes.
As we were looking through the bikes we came across one that he really liked and he took it for a test ride. When he returned his face was flushed with excitement and joy. He bought it on the spot. A few days later it was delivered and he called it “Bliss” which was pretty sweet.
Not long after, his wife brought out the dream book and opened it to the page where he had the picture of the rare blue turquoise …. Yep you guessed it, it was the exact same bike as he had just bought! You could have knocked us over with a feather, we were so shocked, but super pleased to see the dream book worked.
I swear that’s an absolutely true story.
Here’s another. While he and I were still broke and struggling to build a business we both drove crappy old cars. His was an old Ford. On the steering wheel, he had taped a cutout of the BMW logo right in the middle. This made his brain see the BMW logo every time he was driving.
Less than a year later we bought 4 brand new BMW’s.
Once again, an absolutely true story
These are example of what I mean by building a dream so big it hurts
Spend time with your wife/husband, partner, significant other and get your heads together. Talk about the house you want…get down to the fine details. It’s a waste of time to say things like: “oh yeah, one day we will buy a nice big house”. That’s bullshit!
You need to see yourself in the house, you need to see its exact design, its colors , its layout, its furniture, down to the fridge, TV, giant bed, walk in robes…every detail. Go to see display homes and walk through them take photos of each other in the houses. Really put yourselves into the dream.
Same for the car you want, what brand, model, color. What’s the interior look like, how does it handle. Get off your backside and go to a dealer with your partner and take a test drive today.
While you’re there prospect the sales person.
I once recruited a sales guy who was working in a display home. He went on to build a very nice size business.
You must start to experience your dream so it’s cemented into your head and your emotions and it becomes way too hard for you to live without it.
Take your downline to a car dealership, put them in the seat of their dream car. Get some brochures so they can take it home and look at it some more. Take some photos of them in the drivers seat!
Spread the dream building virus to all your group. Leaders are Dreamers!
Hold dream sessions, get people fired up and motivated to do the work. This is what being a leader is all about. Start making the business fun, exciting and interesting for you and your group. Yes, of course there is still work to do, but if you want to keep people from quitting make their dream too real, too emotional for them to quit.
Teach your downline leaders to do the same with their group. This is how you will get a fast-growing group who are really excited, really motivated.
Being fired up by an internalized dream makes it much easier for the work to be done. Much easier for couples to support and encourage each other. Yes, the work! The work still has to be done, there is no way around it and no need to even look for a way around it. Just accept it and do it. It’s like ripping a band aid off, you can do it fast and get it over and done with or you can do it slow and endure a lot of pain for a longer period of time. That’s your choice.
I’m lazy so I would prefer to get it done fast so I can get to the beaches and other places around the world I want to see. What’s your biggest dream? Love you to share with me in the comments below. Share this post with your business associates, it’s really going to help you all move forward faster if you want to do that.
Treat dream building as a wonderful, helpful virus which will help keep people from becoming discouraged and quitting. Do it constantly, every single time you speak with someone in your downline, get to dream building with them and encourage them to do the same. Let the dream building virus work for you and your group.
About john fisher

Hi, My name is John Fisher I live in sunny Miramar,FLorida.Married(happily) and we have six children and two grandchildren. I'm a mechanic and my wife is a nurse(LPN) Back in 2005-2006.the hospital industry made some changes.They phased out the LPN positions and my wife lost here job just like that. The markets crashed,work got slow,and before too long the eviction notice was on our door. It become necessary to suppliment my income by doing side work(as a mechanic) in the evenings after my job and on weekends. Thankfully,we were able to hold on to our home.Eventually,my wife was able to make it back to school to become an RN(she loves nursing).She will be taking her exams next month. I still have to work my regular job and hustle. This makes for long days and precious little time for family or self. So every morning ,I psych myself up,put myself together to face another day the best way I can. Recently,I took a weeks vacation and spent it working(doing side work) simply because we needed the income. I realized that I did not want to continue like this. I needed to make a change. The question was 'Change to what?' Another job? Seems like I'd just be trading one bad situation for another. And at my age(I'm 51). I'd been trying internet marketing for awhile with no success. Sometimes I'd fail because I didn't have the resources.Was even encouraged to seek funding through loans at times.Well no one would loan me money. Other times,I simply failed because I was doing it wrong.Completely my fault. Well,long story short.I was introduced to what I think is an awesome business. One where I'm actually helping people to live healthy and awesome lives while providing an income for my family and myself. One where you actually get training and support without having to spend a fortune to learn the secret. I'm still new to this,and learning as I go. And like I said,I'm unable to walk away from my current job now, but if I continue to grow in this awesome business the way I have, it'll just be a matter of time,and it should'nt be too long. If you are in a similar position, -a job you hate -not enough money -no time for family -or for whatever reason, you just want or need a change in your life,then you owe it to yourself. Take a look Help yourself by helping others. Thank you for your time, Partner in your success John Fisher