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LAS Blogs: john fisher
About john fisher

Hi, My name is John Fisher I live in sunny Miramar,FLorida.Married(happily) and we have six children and two grandchildren. I'm a mechanic and my wife is a nurse(LPN) Back in 2005-2006.the hospital industry made some changes.They phased out the LPN positions and my wife lost here job just like that. The markets crashed,work got slow,and before too long the eviction notice was on our door. It become necessary to suppliment my income by doing side work(as a mechanic) in the evenings after my job and on weekends. Thankfully,we were able to hold on to our home.Eventually,my wife was able to make it back to school to become an RN(she loves nursing).She will be taking her exams next month. I still have to work my regular job and hustle. This makes for long days and precious little time for family or self. So every morning ,I psych myself up,put myself together to face another day the best way I can. Recently,I took a weeks vacation and spent it working(doing side work) simply because we needed the income. I realized that I did not want to continue like this. I needed to make a change. The question was 'Change to what?' Another job? Seems like I'd just be trading one bad situation for another. And at my age(I'm 51). I'd been trying internet marketing for awhile with no success. Sometimes I'd fail because I didn't have the resources.Was even encouraged to seek funding through loans at times.Well no one would loan me money. Other times,I simply failed because I was doing it wrong.Completely my fault. Well,long story short.I was introduced to what I think is an awesome business. One where I'm actually helping people to live healthy and awesome lives while providing an income for my family and myself. One where you actually get training and support without having to spend a fortune to learn the secret. I'm still new to this,and learning as I go. And like I said,I'm unable to walk away from my current job now, but if I continue to grow in this awesome business the way I have, it'll just be a matter of time,and it should'nt be too long. If you are in a similar position, -a job you hate -not enough money -no time for family -or for whatever reason, you just want or need a change in your life,then you owe it to yourself. Take a look Help yourself by helping others. Thank you for your time, Partner in your success John Fisher
Want all,loose all
Published on 06-30-2018 12:06:11 PM by john fisher
You've heard the saying'want all,loose all'
I see what's happening in Nicaragua.What's
been happening in Venezuela and that saying came to mind.
In Nica
How can a government move against it's citizens
who are peacefully demonstrating to the tune of 40 +
... (continue reading →)Sans the missteps
Published on 06-30-2018 12:06:24 PM by john fisher
I was watching The Bourne Ultimatum again.The Bourne series
are good movies,least I think so.
I figure if the CIA had ten agents as good as Jason Bourne,the war
on terrorism would be won already.
The guy is a walking weapon.
living swiss army knife.
... (continue reading →)A little preaching today
Published on 06-30-2018 12:06:03 PM by john fisher
If you're reading this chances are you're looking for more from life.You want it bigger, better. More awesome.
Or maybe just a change in the quality of your life.Less time working to survive. More time with the people that means the most to you.Making your life,YOUR
... (continue reading →)What Karatbars has done for them,what's happening for me and what it can do for you.
Published on 06-30-2018 06:06:08 AM by john fisher
This is a message from my sponsor.I hope it gives you an idea of what Karatbars has done for them,what's happening for me and what it can do for you.
Here goes
Here is a fact that people don't realize...
Martha and I started from
... (continue reading →)how you can make money today!!
Published on 06-17-2018 09:06:59 AM by john fisher
Here is Exactly How..
We Build Your Downline For You
and how you can make money today!!
I put our latest webinar replay live.. just click the link below. On this webinar I show you how you literally need to know NOTHING to start making good money with
... (continue reading →)
If you did not know..
Published on 06-12-2018 06:06:23 PM by john fisher
If you did not know.. this company has been doing network marketing online now for 22 years...
YES.. 22 years..
Meanwhile most companies are gone after 2 years..
... (continue reading →)Bizarre times,bizarre crimes
Published on 06-08-2018 05:06:01 PM by john fisher
I was surfing the net the other night and came across
a site that had some of the most bizzare crimes ever
committed by some seriously touched in the head people.
There are some truly twisted people out there.
Like this guy Rodney Alcala who raped and killed as
... (continue reading →)A conversation where no one listens
Published on 06-04-2018 07:06:00 PM by john fisher
Today i was listening to a conversation between two friends.In listening to
their conversation,i realized that people just wait for you to stop talking so they
can talk.Sometimes they don't even wait for each other to finish,they just cut in
and it's obvious that
... (continue reading →)30 day challenge 3 times
Published on 05-27-2018 07:05:27 AM by john fisher
Have you ever taken a 30 day challenge.
If by chance you don't know what that is
Well,it's said that if you want to develop
a new habit,just do that one thing for 30 days
consistently and it becomes a
... (continue reading →)It's not easy.but we've made it easier
Published on 05-27-2018 06:05:53 AM by john fisher
I was watching Designated Survivor.
The show (if you're not aware) is about the only survivor
of our sitting government(who were all killed in a terrorist attack)
and he becomes president.
Well,the cabinet is trying to oust President Kirkman by proving
... (continue reading →)