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Join RapidCrypto Today.
What is RapidCrypto?
RapidCrypto is an Advertising Platform with a 100% Commission Plan,
a Giveaway Program and it serves also as a Network Wallet for all our members.
RapidCryptooffers to every Platinum member the ability to GIFT
FREE AdvertisingPacks and a Free upgrades to their referrals.
Your Platinum Membershipwill be gifted to you
by your Sponsor and will include:
A Welcome bonus (for limited Time) of 1 Tron
A TextAd Slot with 250 Impressions
A 468x60 Banner AdSlot with 250 Impressions
A 125x125 Banner Ad Slotwith 500 Impressions
The ability to Give awayPlatinum memberships to your Referrals
The abilityof earning 10% of your Direct Referral purchases.
You willbe able to extend your Platinum Membership for LIFE
for A ONETIME nominal payment of TRX 20 ($1) and then
you will be entitled toearn 50% Commissions and ForcedMatrix
commissions for up to TRX 521730!
Accepted Currency are BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGEand TRX.
About Mark Dosier

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