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Kurtis Pearson
Contact Info
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Skype - kurtis e Pearson
Facebook - Kurtis Lowrange Pearson
Twitter - kurtis pearson@KurtisPearson
Location - Ailey, Georgia
Join Date - 2017-05-21
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About Me
Hi, My name is Kurtis Pearson. I'm a 49 yr old married truck driver that has learned how to make money online mainly because if you know anything about trucking, when my wheels ain't turning, I'm not making any money for my paycheck. This at times can be detrimental to my household income and is not easy to pay just the regular monthly bills. Trucking can also keep me from spending as much time with my family as I would like, so any kind of extra income that provides me with time freedom I'm all in for. I have found ways to create myself multiple streams of income outside of just my regular job and all without breaking the bank to do. This is simplifed and easy to do and i started out with litttle investment and over time have created my own online business that I can work from anywhere I travel.
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