

David Lee

Contact Info

Skype - daedle1

Facebook - referassociates

Twitter - davidleedr

Location - Pensacola Florida

Join Date - 2016-07-24

My Rank



About Me

Founder and Executive Director Victory House Pensacola, FL. Present Marketing Director Beneficial Marketing Associates. Specializing in advertising, marketing, merchandising, lead generation, list building, sales conversion, social media marketing, SMS applications, and company surveys and audits.

My membership site provides access to resources and tools for reaching out to today’s sophisticated consumer. It presents up-to-date traffic and lead generation methods, free training, and features some of the best free and low-cost methods for the beginner as well as the experienced marketer to build their business. Members can access the $500 "Internet Marketing Make Money Online Training Course" with 22 Ebooks and 5 hours of video training, all with private label rights - for free.

Feel free to contact me for a chat, and perhaps we can even do some business together!

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Checkout My Writing!

Hey, thanks for checking out my writing! Below are my 5 most recent posts. You can see all of my writing over on my Personal LeasedAdSpace blog!

TitlePublication Date ANYONE can make money 07-09-2018 07:07:27 PM
You Are Not Alone... 12-20-2017 10:12:59 PM
The Importance Of Internet Marketing Statistics 05-17-2017 07:05:53 PM