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EasyCash4Ads: Pseudo Gifting or more than meets they eye?
Published by Erik Badeaux — 01-13-2017 06:01:25 PM
EasyCash4ads Launched in December 2016 and is being touted as the new miracle program of the decade.
I signed up to see if these claims stack up. Does EasyCash4Ads live up to the claim or is it an elaborate scam?
Their compensation plan is a 2-up system where your first two sales are passed up to your sponsor. They refer to these as qualifier sales.You cannot earn any money until you make these sales.Then you can start your first income leg.
Before I tell you the cost to join, first have a look at their 2-up compensation plan and how it works.
In a 1-up system if the last person you referred can't or won't recruit,then your income hits a dead end.Assuming you only started one income leg.Can you see why this system is sure to fail?Usually these are get rich quick schemes.I don't touch these any more.Fell for it once before when I was a newbie marketer.
What makes the 2-up compensation plan different is that with each level you reach, the risk of your income coming to a halt is effectively halved. Continue a few levels down and it becomes almost impossible to stop it.
So how much does it cost to join and what do you get for it?
It cost a one time payment of $19.Your sponsor gets $10 and $9 is for hosting your ads. In return for your $19 you actually get a bit more than what is advertised and I was pleasantly surprised.
Everybody in your income leg/s will see your full page ad for 25 seconds when they log in. While this can have a profound effect in other programs you belong to, it quickly loses its power after you have seen the same ad a dozen times, especially if you went ahead and joined whatever system your sponsor is advertising. This is where the owners used their heads and the first part of over-delivering starts.
Any new members you get into your income legs, whether directly referred or passed up from the people in your EasyCash4Ads legs, will see your ad every time they log in to their back-office, but only for the first two weeks. After two weeks they will see a random member's ad. Not only does this put your ad in front of more eyes than simply the people in your leg/s, it also has the added benefit for newbies and those members who are slow at referring of getting a lot of other people to look at their offer.
There is special section found in your the back-office containing member contributions. Find reports in both Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat PDF formats by top recruiters in EasyCash4Ads. They share the exact methods they use to get sign-ups.This feature is great as the information relates to all on-line marketing and not just for EasyCash4Ads. Struggling to Make money online? These reports will really open your eyes as to how successful marketers go about getting referrals. It is like a guru standing over your shoulder and telling you step by step what to do every day.
Another thumbs up is for the affiliate resources.
Most money making programs give you two or three resources to help you promote and send you on your way. The owners of EasyCash4Ads really look after their affiliates. They cover all aspects of marketing, both off-line and on-line with an abundance of affiliate tools you are not likely to see anywhere else.
The back-office is divided in to 2 sections when it comes to affiliate resources to make it easy for newbies to start and work their way up to the more in depth tools without getting overwhelmed. The capture pages and splash pages are almost works of art and sure to draw in visitors.That's what caught my eye
There is complete follow-up system designed to draw in new members with a mixture of information and humor. They also send members a copy-and-paste email to send to your prospects when they opt in to receive more information. What makes this copy-and-paste email especially powerful is that they managed to create an email for members to send out which actually does a hard sell (yes, you read that right), but they disguise it as a very innocent and sincere email.
Final verdict.
EasyCash4Ads offers great value for a one-time cost of only $19. Some marketers may consider it a pseudo gifting system,but there is much more than meets the eye. As a feeder program it is a perfect fit as most people can afford $19. For those of you who already belong to FunMouse and / or GDI, EasyCash4Ads has the added bonus that it feeds into those programs as well to help you get more sign-ups without any extra effort.
This program gets my highest recommendation.
About Erik Badeaux

Hi.Welcome to My Leasedadspace profile page.I'm 49. married with a 17 yr old daughter.I've Spent the last 25 years roofing after 4 yr stint in the Army.I am from philadelphia.I have been online marketing for 6 yrs.I specialize in website traffic and tools for getiing your home business up and running..I love to meet new people and share ideas about becoming an elite marketer and earning lots of cash!
One thing I have learned is, It's All about Traffic and more traffic.
You can jump around trying to promote this and that but it always comes down to generating enough eyeballs on your website or affiliate links, building a presence online
You can't earn anything online without good traffic,Preferably buyer traffic.
The measly $9.99 investment really over delivers in its value.
Just look over my profile page,it's like a marketer's Business Portal to all the programs you affiliate with in marketing.You get your own profile page and blogging platform for Search engine optimization (SEO).
The #1 reason I recommend leasedadspace ? It paid for itself almost immediately.
I can Mail the Entire Membership forever now without further payments.,
and it's rapidly growing everyday with new hungry buyers.
Not only did I make my investment back months ago,The traffic from the solos has really fattened my list with proven buyers!
.All profits and Great traffic Now!
If you never refer one person it's still worth way more than 9.99 .
I can't get into all leasedadspace can do for you here because there is so much more, so go Check out the how it works page at the top.
I am constantly testing and looking for the best buyer traffic around .I like good traffic that I can also earn from to pay for it.
Hit my other links on this page for my top traffic,.list building tools and earning sources I use right now.
With all the crap traffic being sold online I only promote what I have used and received positive results from.
Thanks for stopping by and may we all prosper and have fun along the way.
Remember you never have enough Traffic sources or a big enough list!