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If You are Not Email Marketing In Your Business You May As Well Be Throwing Your Ad Spend Money Out The Window!
Published by Seely Clark — 07-03-2020 10:07:40 PM
The best way to ensure your success in your business is to build your email list.
This goes for online business, offline business, or any business for that matter...
Provide your prospects (potential customers) with something of value up front and you can build a list of customers who, through the value that you provide- both up front and over the course of time (with your broadcasts) will grow to know, like, and trust you.
I cannot stress this enough! It's genuine! Provide value! Don't be an a-hole just lookin' for a quick buck...
Good business is good business no matter what-whether it is in the brick and mortar or "click and order" type of business...
Your goal will always be to provide value and build a real relationship with the people on your list. and want to read your messages and they want to act on the information you provide.
If you are new to, or have never heard of email marketing, this may sound like complete gibberish.... Let me break it down for you.
To get potential customers to agree to receive messages from you about your business, service, or offer...
You offer up something of true value to them- upfront-
This is usually offered on what is called an opt in page, or a squeeze page.
Offer up something that will help them in their personal quest for success in whatever they are doing... Here is an example of an opt in page I use In one of my businesses to capture leads...
So, in essence, you are offering your help to them via the value you will be providing up front, and you are asking them to trust you by entering their name and email and becoming part of your email list.
You are also promising (or really should be) to continue bringing value to their lives and pursuits by keeping them updated with tips and tricks and helpful advice for them to apply to their business....
You need to be a decent person and above all else do not abuse their trust.
Don't be that jack-hole who spams them over and over with crap offers.
That's a surefire way to kill their trust in you and to wreck your credibility... This is short sighted and will ruin you fast if you choose this path!
If you treat them like friends and family- by showing them that you care about their success, then you will build a loyal following, and build lifelong friends, and even, raving fans.
Example of email list building in 2020: Walmart...they keep everyone up to date on their specials They ask you for your name and email when you shop on their site!
This is how Walmart builds their business, and how you should build your business too. It is the keystone to selling your products, and most importantly of all, increasing the value and trust in your customer's minds.
Getting people to come to your website is one thing. Standing out from the legions of websites and offers that people see every day week or month is the most essential part of all.
Email marketing, once you know and understand some basics, is super easy and cost-effective.
What you will need is an opt in form and an email autoresponder.
The opt in forms can be made for you by someone on Fiverr or UpWork
or they thave a free trial period which is super cool and lets you get your feet weand get trained up to build pages.
First: The opt in form
An opt-in form is where they enter their name and email and that is what's called them "subscribing to your list".
Once they enter their name and email that data goes into what is called an autoresponder.
Your autoresponder is where you will be emailing all of your potential and current customers about things that will help them.
When people subscribe, they are taking a chance on you and what you have to offer them, and are taking it on faith that you will help them...
At first, they don't know you, or have enough to go on as to whether they should trust you at all.
Your job is to keep the trust factor high.
You want these people interacting and engaging with you.
And these interactions should be about THEM not YOU....
It should be about what YOU can do to help THEM get what they want and need!
The best way to do this is to simply ask them what they are struggling with!
Some will respond, some will not... the ones that read and respond they will see that you take a genuine interest in what they need and that you are willing to take action and help them.
So get out there, get started building your email list for your business using an opt in page and connect your autoresponder to it and get rocking!
See you soon for more email marketing info!
If you have questions contact me at the details provided below!
See you soon!
Seely Clark IV
phone +1-207-659-9949 (text please)
About Seely Clark
I live in Bangor, Maine and I worked full-time as a RN at a local hospital. In 2010 I started working online Part-time after my mother was disabled by a heart attack. I wanted to build extra income to help with her health care. What started as a way to make extra income has grown into a passion! Over the last several years, it has started to come together for me. I am now able to work online full time It is AMAZING! Over the years I have learned a great deal about marketing on the Internet. I have learned many things that don’t work and and much that DOES work. One thing I have learned is that for me to succeed, I have to help others succeed. So now my focus is on teaching others what I have learned works so that they can avoid the money wasting struggles I went through and finally start making money on the Internet.