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You want to increase the traffic to your site. The method widely used with great results is using the search engines rankings that improve your chances of targeting the audience for your site. Here is the process you can use to drive traffic to your site.
Choose your topic. You can get ideas from newsletters, competitors, books, magazines, and newspapers.
Research keywords that relate to your topic. Think about the keywords internet users will be entering into the search engines and any different meanings for the words that may be used. Expand your vocabulary in this step. Use this free source to locate keywords
You can use variations of words and phrases at this site to see how the search engines have presented results from the prior month. Your results will also show the bidding price for the keywords and phrases.
Research the competition by using the search engines to locate their sites. Study the top ten listed to see how they created their website. Use their techniques to improve your site.
Start writing your article. You have the keywords to include in the content. Use the different variations that search engines love to see in all websites and articles. Add some affiliate links in the article to promote your product and generate traffic.
Build your webpages. You have the written content with the relevant keywords and phrases. You know you will have traffic based on your research. Remember to add some of the techniques and content you viewed on your competitor?s site. If it is working for them it will work for you too.
Use the keywords within the titles of the different webpages. Put key phrased for ALT tags in the site. Add your article as a page on the site. Add images of the product to entice the interest of the readers. Show them what you have to offer. Link to other sites. Use quality links from sites with a high search engine ranking to boost the traffic to your site.
After you have completed the first page, you can build ten more pages with ease. Use the same technique from the original page as a template. You have been able to use the right methods on the first page by thorough research so finish the high quality website with confidence.
When you have a high quality website filled with interesting facts, contents, images, and links, you have become a site Google will recognize. You will achieve high rankings over time based on your hard work and efforts.
Now you will see the traffic gradually come to your website. It takes time for the search engines to see your site so be patience with the new website. Here's an inexpensive source which can generate viral traffic to your website.
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