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Hey there how is it going? I hope all is well. Thanks for taking the time to stop by to check out this information. I am excited and I hope that you are too. Christopher J Wright here! From Wichita, Kansas. Your professional business consultant, educator and coach. Welcome to my website where you can find everything related to business , health, wellness and lifestyle and much much more. This is a place that you can come for several of the following: Greetings to my site
- Education
- Training
- Motivation
- Inspiration
- Empowerment
- Opportunity
This website is your one stop shop when it comes to doing what makes the most logical sense. So that you don't waste your valuable time or hard earned money on the overwhelming amount of nonsense that you find online. Are you on the outside looking in? If you just so happened to be looking for ways to earn extra money or create a full time income. The best thing you can do for yourself before making any decision is to become thoroughly educated on what it is and what it means to create or generate revenue for yourself.
I am going to provide you with unlimited, value driven education that is sound and will keep you from making the wrong decisions that lead to the two most biggest regrets. And those are:
- The regret of lost time
- The regret of lost money
For those of you who happened to be new and inexperienced don't spend any money at all on anything until you understand everything. I am going to do my dead level best to provide you with all the education that you need in order to make strong informed decisions. Welcome to my website.
If you have already started and are 90 days or less. And struggling to produce results before quitting or starting over allow yourself to become properly educated. Don't make any haste decisions unless its to cut cost! It is common for people to spend more than what they actually make and in a lot of cases they do so because they can. Just because you have the money doesn't mean that you should spend it. Especially when you are basing it off pure emotion.
Success requires discipline when it comes to making the right decisions. This is not something that greedy dollar driven people are going to take the time to prepare you for. They know they can get away with a lot because it is the internet.
Should you just so happen to have 91 days or longer. And are in the condition of struggling. It is definitely time to evaluate what may be wrong and why you're in that condition. Regardless of where you are new or struggling there is nothing to be discouraged about because nearly 100% of the industry is all in the same condition. The top one percent who are earning most of the money have no complaints and would love to keep it that way. Why? Because they are getting paid and their life is perfect. That is what they would like you to believe especially on social media. This is why taking the time to get to know people and make sure that they are who they say they are in every way possible. Don't fall for the so called social proof that people post online because 500% of it is fake stolen images that people get off google. If they are skilled then its more than likely photo shopped. There used to be a saying that said; " believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see" On the internet you can't believe anything you hear and see because people have made scamming people out of their money an art.
There is a lot of ground to cover and I know that this can be extremely overwhelming. The last thing I want to do is hit you over the head with information overload. But I am going to start at the beginning of what you need to know first and what you need to know next. Until we get to where it is that you want to go. You can't trust people who only have a social media profile. You can't trust people who won't give you something that you can follow. And you certainly can't trust people who won't give you a safe distraction free and credible place to follow from. The only way to show you that I care about you and your success regardless how you go about it is to take my time and create the best quality content I can to give you the best information available.
Success is a real thing. The online home business space is the best solution to the fierce economic turmoil that we face today. Unfortunately the internet is the most dangerous place when it comes to finding legitimate people who have real options of real substance. And that is why the human element is vitally important. Whether that is in person if you're local, or a video conference if you are not. At the very least a phone call is always in order. You want there to be some way you can at least listen to see if the person or people you're dealing with are sincere and genuine.
I would to meet you in person! Would you like to meet me in person? If you live local to me we should certainly meet in person. If not we should certainly meet through the avenue of an online platform to give us as much of a face to face way of conducting a meet and greet. This will allow you the opportunity to get to know, like, and trust me as a credible person. And will allow me the opportunity to see where you are. On the other side of that coin I should be able to get to know you, like you and trust you as a credible person. Regardless of where we are both at in life. Successes, failures, knowledge, experiences or lack there of. I am not the type of person who fakes it until I make it. I believe if you learn a skill and you rely on that skill as an asset it will reward you.
The truth is if we don't like each other nothing will ever go beyond that connection. Meeting me in person could potentially speed up the process to going from where you are now to ultimately get where it is that you want to go. I want to give you an opportunity to speed up the process as much as possible. Don't look at this as a short cut. Because there are no short cuts, tips or tricks to accomplishing success. Especially when you do it right.
One of the things I can guarantee you by you going through all of my educational content is that you will be mentally equipped to not fall for the nonsense that the majority tend to fall for. Not only will you learn what but you're going to learn why or why not. I am going to prove my care and concern for your success upfront and right away. At no cost. I don't do business in the inbox of any social media platform. Welcome to my website.
To work with me whether directly or indirectly requires a live discussion in person or an online meeting. I want to give you the opportunity to schedule a meet and greet with me. CLICK HERE to schedule if that doesn't work CONTACT ME DIRECTLY.
I want you to know that you are always encouraged and Welcome to my website.
In addition to all of the things mentioned above. You will find that this website is also about the following:
When it comes to health I have access to high quality products, recipes that promote nutritional eating habits, and practical physical activities promote circulations and blood flow. Our health is impacted by the way we live, move, eat and sleep. Not to mention the level of toxicity that we are exposed to that is way beyond our control. We all say a lot of the time that health is wealth and verbally we all place a priority on it more so than what we actually do about it. Whether business or personal in my opinion you should be involved in some way shape or form.
When it comes to wellness I work to create an atmosphere or environment induced with motivation and inspiration to help with the discipline, determination and accountability it takes to hit those health goals. I know what it is like to struggle and be alone in anxiety and depression. And I know if I had what I am working to create I would be a lot further along than I am which is why I want to help in this area.
Lifestyle matters what good is life if you don't have the health to enjoy it. Making the right choices and acquiring the right things and getting rewarded makes a lot of sense. The things we shop for and spend our money on (wasteful spending) has a strong impact on our health and well being. Unfortunately us Americans are spoiled. More often than not we don't look to far ahead. We often are so concerned and so consumed with the here and right now. And this can cause use to neglect things and put off what matters. Then when tragic strikes then we start considering doing the things we could have always done to prevent it.
About Christopher Wright

PROVIDE THREE OPTIONS: 1. A place of education, training, motivation and inspiration for those who are possibly new to the home based business industry on the outside looking in that are not sure what to do or where to start. 2. A lifestyle business opportunity for those who want to create time and financial freedom in 90 days or less. 3. A training & coaching program for those who want to create strong long lasting results in their business by becoming a real full fledged professional internet marketer.