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I have never been a believer in faking anything to make it. As being fake is the same as lying and misleading. Honest success takes a bit more time when you do it honestly. I believe that everything must be balanced. Because of the fact that it takes a positive and negative side in order to make a battery work. I am not advocating nor equating the negative side to represent evil. I don't condone evil. In fact I hate it. The internet is filled with evil. My perspective of the negative side represents the resistance and the challenges necessary to make your success actually mean something when it's accomplished.
The good aspects must be balanced out by the bad aspects. The easy aspects must be balanced out by the hard aspects. The pros with the cons. And the challenges with the rewards. There has never been a better time to connect with me than at this point of my personal reboot. I am starting over again. This is the place of my humble beginnings again. As I am starting over at ground zero. No team, no audience, no following. Just myself, my past experiences learned from, and my skill set.
As you can see here. This is the first series. It's titled about me. When it comes to learning from me. Everything I do is in plain site. what might not be in plain site. Is the education I've had throughout my entire life starting with my childhood. The training I've been fortunate to cross paths with. A majority of the things I've learned has been a direct reflection of having the passion, and the drive to make it. As one who started out with little to no extra money I had to spend the time to learn. Combine what I have learned with what I have been through I have been able to accomplish some powerful things for myself.
Lack of self confidence, poor mental health, low self esteem, and my battle with self hatred has always been what has stagnated my growth. As all of these have severely produced negative impacts to all of the relationships necessary for accomplishing success. Why? Because when you hate yourself it contributes to the bad ways of treating other people. This has caused me to go into isolation. While in isolation I was cut of from getting the help and healing that I need.
My struggle has never been the same as all those who struggle in this industry. Those main struggles just happened to be the critical ones: Such as being able to connect with people and close sales. I never struggled to build or grow a network. My struggle has always been keeping, maintaining and sustaining what I have grown and built. In order to get to the place of being able to offer the level of value I am today.
I had to humble myself to get the help that I needed from those whom God has placed in my life. I have not arrived and I still have a long way to go. But I am a million miles from where I used to be. And to God be the glory. You're here to make a decision. To see if I am a good fit for you to learn from. The fastest way to find out without having to go through all of my content is to schedule a meet and greet. Connect with me personally and in real time CLICK-HERE
About Christopher Wright

PROVIDE THREE OPTIONS: 1. A place of education, training, motivation and inspiration for those who are possibly new to the home based business industry on the outside looking in that are not sure what to do or where to start. 2. A lifestyle business opportunity for those who want to create time and financial freedom in 90 days or less. 3. A training & coaching program for those who want to create strong long lasting results in their business by becoming a real full fledged professional internet marketer.