

Don Goldwyn

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Facebook - d4k9z

Twitter - dongoldwyn

Location - Southampton.U.K.

Join Date - 2016-04-20

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About Me

I really do not have any business that I
do avidly. I spend a lot of hours in front of this computer because I absolutely
love what I do on the internet. People really enjoy and learn from my website,
and I find that very gratifying
Since I spent the better part of my
life trading physical labor for money just to pay the bills, using technology to
supplement my income really intrigues me
I Have developed a lifetime love affair
with Dogs and Dog Agility. I truly enjoy this very fast growing Sport Here in
the U.K.. It gets you out and about in all weathers and of course in the winter
there are venues Indoors,so it is an all year round persuit! and good excercise
for you and your doggies
I enjoy combining MotorCaravanning with
doggie jumping and that makes the most out of the Weekends and sometimes Weeks
away from home.

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