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Earn in passive way!!!!!
Cryptoforce provides passive income in the form of Proof-of-Stake mining, that is available to all holders of the Crypton coin
Crypton is based on Blockchain technology, where all data is protected from hacking and loss of information.
The mechanism of consensus used in cryptocurrencies to create a new block. With PoS, attack on the chain become nearly impossible.
POS technology allows to obtain new coins without using additional equipment, which makes mining easy for everyone.
Earn NOW, you can refill you account with BTC, ETH, LTC and ADVCASH
The basic idea of the Crypton ecosystem
Did you know about this? In 2009, the world's first Bitcoin crypto currency, developed on the basis of Blockchain, was created. Over the past time, the coin has acquired the shape of an investment instrument and a payment instrument, has become a way of safe storage of cash. And, Blockchain technology itself has proved to be an innovation with wide possibilities of integration in any sphere of life. But, unfortunately, a good idea is not always doomed to a successful implementation. And that's why.
Many understand. Today, the potential of crypto currency is not 100% open. But, the society has already begun to change its attitude to money and money transactions. People tend to contactless payments, and coins - this is an excellent tool for these tasks. Crypto currency has no borders. The cost of one bitcoin is the same in Australia, as in Ghana or Colombia. The ability to make payments in the crypto currency, which at any time can be exchanged for cash and back, removes inappropriate risks and focuses on individuality, and not on financial institutions subject to the state.
We want to offer you something. Before proceeding to the active stage of development, we conducted a study to identify top trends in the market of crypto-currencies and the promising areas of development of Blockchain. After that, a strategy was worked out for the development and development of the Crypton coin. And that's what we got.
The main features of the new crypto currency are:
• Proof-of-Stake mining. It ensures the extraction of coins by means of their reservation, and not by means of computing capacities and farms, as in the traditional Proof-of-Work mining. Thanks to PoS technology, each coin holder has the opportunity to receive passive income in the form of coins, which is from 2% to 10% per week. In bitcoin, there is no such thing.
• Payment instrument. The ability to easily and quickly pay off in the online stores of our partners coin Crypton.
• Own merchant for business. A payment receiver that generates receipts for your client with a low commission percentage. You can get paid for your goods and services.
• Creation and development of Crypton's own ecosystem as a complete Blockchain along with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dash, etc.
Today, the direction in which CryptoForce develops is innovative. Crypto Force provides a direct benefit to the user of Crypton (in the form of% of PoS-mining), while focusing not only on large players, but also on individuals, which makes our tools convenient for all users. We are the future giant, which will change the attitude to money and financial operations. For several reasons.
After all, the main factor for implementation is convenience and benefit, which we already give to our users today. You will say: "There were already a lot of companies that made such loud statements, but as a result, the promised did not correspond to the released product!". Good point! Only, you did not take into account one thing: our developments correspond to the latest market requirements that other developers can not provide. And the coin is already there. And, it gives all chances to become a player of the level of JP Morgan in the world of digital currencies and blockchain. We believe in what we are doing, because we have already done a lot.
Banks against Cryptobanks
Modern banks are a vivid example of manipulation and bureaucracy, which one has to face every day to their clients. Today, banks, thanks to their monopoly position, dictate the rules in the financial sphere, providing unprofitable conditions and limiting each of us. We will not even mention games with exchange rates, because ordinary banks work for the interests of a certain range of clients, providing them with the necessary conditions.
The main disadvantages of traditional banks are:
• Inflation. Modern currencies are vulnerable to rapid inflation. This phenomenon is connected with direct influence on the banking system by the government and large players.
• Lack of transparency. Most of the banking processes are not available to the general public, and the information provided by bankers often does not correspond to reality.
• High cost of banking operations. The recovery rate for the operation performed is economically unprofitable for both small and large sums.
• For a long time, the passage of interbank transactions. Operations with different currencies and different banks can take up to several days.
• Security. Let's be honest - the availability of your money in the bank is preserved, as long as there is a specific bank.
Cryptobanks, in turn, are:
• Decentralization. Impossibility of influence of certain persons on those or other processes of the cryptobank, the difficulty of controlling the course by third parties, independence from the government.
• High speed of operations. The ability to perform any operations 24/7 with their rapid passage.
• Transparency and security. All recorded data in the blockchain is public and can not be changed. What does falsification, "loss" payment
About Daniel Crosina

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