What is a cryptocurrency wallet and which one should I use?

Published by Dan Watson — 03-01-2023 10:03:00 AM

If you are going to start collecting and stacking crypto currency as an investment, one of the very first things you are going to need to do is get a wallet (or two!)

A bitcoin wallet is software that connects you to the bitcoin network. This is the first step in acquiring bitcoin. You know how it is when you send someone an email. You have to have an email address, a password, and a way of connecting to the network. It can be webmail or a program such as Thunderbird or Outlook.

You open up your email program and send an email to someone, using the email address that they gave you. The email is sent using your email address. If someone gets your password, they can log into your email account and send out messages pretending they are you.

With bitcoin, you also need software to connect to the network. Your wallet is the software that allows you to connect to the bitcoin network. You have a public key and a private key instead of an email address and a password. You have to protect your private key because if anyone gets access to your wallet, they can clean it out. Think of it as leaving a tangible wallet stuffed with cash out where anyone can pick it up and empty it.

You can have a hot wallet or a cold wallet. A hot wallet is connected to the internet. It can be sitting on your computer, tablet, or phone. A cold wallet is kept offline. It gives a whole new meaning to cold storage. All it means is that it cannot be accessed on the internet.

Your wallet is a node on the bitcoin network. It can be a full node or a lightweight node. A full node loads every bitcoin transaction to your wallet. At bitcoin.org, the latest bitcoin core information is available. This is the entire history of all bitcoin transactions to date. As of November 2017, it is big – 145 gigabytes. Some people have reported that it took several days to download the full node. It also takes up a lot of space on your computer. It would not fit on a phone.

A lightweight node is also referred to as an SPV wallet or node. SPV stands for simplified payment verification. In this mode, you download only a part of the bitcoin core. It is still connected to the full node but it receives just the transactions that are necessary and that are relevant to your node.

You can also have an online wallet, a wallet in the cloud. Often bitcoin exchanges, those places where you can set up an account and buy or sell bitcoins, have wallets where you can store your bitcoins as you accumulate them. When you buy bitcoin on an exchange, you may want to leave some bitcoin cash in the wallet on the exchange and transfer some to another one of your wallets.

Paper wallets are also popular. You can print out your public and private keys and a QR code and store that piece of paper as if it were cash. With the QR code, it is easy to scan in and use online. The security depends on how well you store this valuable piece of paper.

If you have several wallets, it is easy to transfer your bitcoin from one to the other. Some users keep a lightweight wallet on their phone for easy and quick transactions. Typically, they keep it like pocket change, keeping just enough to have walking around funds.

They may keep some in a hot wallet on their home computer as well. They store the majority of their bitcoins in a cold wallet. When it comes to a cold wallet, it is possible to store your wallet on a USB stick. If you have a lot of bitcoin, you might want to consider a hardware wallet that encrypts the information. If someone gets your USB stick, it is possible that they can take your bitcoins. With a secure encrypted hardware cold wallet, that is not so easy.


Now, there are hundreds of different wallets out there and I could write reviews on them every day for the rest of my life and would never come close to being able to cover them all. I am going to only cover the ones I have experience with and we will use most often in this strategy.


#1 Atomic Wallet

Atomic Wallet Review— Everything You Need To Know! | by Nigeria Bitcoin Community | Nigeria Bitcoin Community | Medium

Atomic Wallet has no affiliate plan at the writing of this page. So, neither I nor your sponsor will get a single dime from you using it. However, it is so simple and user friendly yet so powerful and full of features at the same time. We will be using this wallet and the ability to swap coins within it on a regular basis. This is really an easy step by step process that doesn't take long if you just follow the prompts.

#2 Meta Mask

There is a bit more to this wallet than Atomic but it will be a HUGE help to us in a couple strategies where it will pay off BIG TIME! This works a little bit different than a lot of online wallets but it's not really any more complicated if you pay attention to the basic step by step.

#3 Coinbase

Coinbase is one of the best ways to get started with cryptocurrency because it is so easy to use and has so much to offer. You can buy a handful of cryptos in your back office through your bank or debit card easy-peasy. While I use several wallets for my own crypto both online and offline, I have still used this one quite often in the past as a way to get fiat currency into crypto. I don't really use it to purchase any coins anymore because I earn most of it online passively now (although I still do some active methods as well) but it IS nice to know that at any point i wanted to convert any bitcoin back into fiat US dollars bank into my bank account, that is very easily done here.

While this wallet is not crucial to our strategy, one of the main reasons I have them listed here is they have a really unique "Learning Rewards" system where they PAY you in free crypto just to learn about different crypto coins! I highly recommend you go check it out and earn your free coins over there. Might as well if they are just going to give it away anyway, right?

You do not have to set up all of these wallets if you do not want to but I strongly urge you to setup the first few wallets on this page. They are all free to start with anyway and each one will play into our much larger overall strategy in the not to far future, so best to get it done now.


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About Dan Watson


Hello! My name is Dan Watson. I have been marketing online for a few years now, although I didn't start having any success recently, I have learned a lot in the past couple years and have grown my team into the hundreds. I love marketing and it is my passion. I simply cannot see myself doing anything else. Please take the time to look around my blog and read some different posts. If you decide that you may want to work with me and let me help you learn how to earn money online as well, simply sign up at ViralStacking.com and I will get in touch with you and let you know how to get started. I look forward to working with you. Here's to your success!