A critical rating of around 3300 is recommended

Published by Patrick Wade — 01-13-2022 04:01:36 AM

PvP is excellent content in Star Wars: The Old Republic, with dynamic maps and interesting game modes, creating an environment for excellent player versus player interactions. Whether it's Capture the Point, Team Deathmatch, Void Star, or Hatball, you can find the one to suit your taste in SWTOR's War Zone. There are some differences in the PvP lifestyle with swtor credits when it comes to equipping and building work-friendly characters. It's not much different from PvE, but there are some important things to know. Knowing which class is in the PvP meta can help you easily destroy enemies or blow people away with unexpected choices. When playing SWTOR, this is not the gospel when it comes to which class is "best" for PvP, as we know that each class is a viable option for the content we want to jump to.

First of all: team! As many of you know by now, when it comes to statistics, what you wear matters. Similar to PvE, you need to rack up certain threshold status points in several different groups to get the most out of your gear in terms of damage. The general consensus on PvP gear is as follows:

A critical rating of around 3300 (42%) is recommended.
Agility of 1213 for the first agility threshold (recommended when running at 3300 critical), 3208 for the second threshold (if you are trying to reach a critical rating of 3300) Not recommended, simply because there is not enough space in the stat pool to achieve both).
Unlike PvE, statistical precision is not always required. The lack of precision makes it more likely that you will miss an attack, but you can get more stats in other more significant departments (like critical or agility) to increase your chances of damage ... Many PvPers choose to increase their chances instead of making sure to let all abilities hit every time. A satisfying means is to try to get a PvP accuracy rating of around 105% (650). This allows you to access the statistics more frequently while placing the statistics elsewhere.
Remember that PvP matches (called war zones) also improve your character, increasing your basic stats and combat levels, and giving you a bit more room to move in terms of stat assignments.

We recommend using Critical Rating Crystals (Evisceration) for both primary and secondary hand weapons. You can also use Proficiency Stimulant to improve accuracy and critical stats. Especially for PvP, it's best to pick relics for focused retaliation and accidental strikes, but the choice of relics really depends on your play style.

Test the stats in PvP. While the above stats are generally accepted to work well in certain warzones, other methods may work better for certain specs and playstyles. This is one of the best things about SWTOR. You can experiment and find something that works even if it goes off the beaten path.

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