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LAS Blogs: Jerry David
About Jerry David

My name is Jerry David and I live in the UK with my lovely wife and 3 sons. I started working online seriously in 2012 when I was looking for a way to establish an extra internet income. At the time I had been working from home for at least 12 years in my own PC repair and custom built PC business. I also installed and managed computer networks and electrical installations as a freelancer for an agency. So by the time I started to take an interest in working online, I was already accustomed to working alone, setting and meeting my own targets and motivating myself. I started off slowly at first and went through what seems to be a recurring theme with most would be entrepreneurs that I come across. They all appear to go through an initial period when they enter a program or purchase a course or system that promise instant success with minimal effort and they stick at it for a while but give up when the success doesn’t materialise. They then begin a stage where they are tempted by all sorts of shiny objects and false promises that abound the internet. I won’t lie, I went through it myself and I threw all my efforts into promoting either this thing or that thing, as an affiliate marketer. I was seduced by various new fangled methods of driving “free” and “super converting” traffic to my offers and then by the next greatest thing that was even better I would then move on without giving the first program a fair chance to prove itself. I wanted immediate results. I did have a lot of success with some of those programs and after finding some very good mentors to listen to and copy their methods and teachings, I managed to build myself a decent list and began to make a healthy living with what I learned. I developed my skills in email marketing, list building and traffic generation, the benefits of which I intend to share with you. I know that I have a lot more to learn (and who doesn’t) because the day you stop learning is the day you should pack it all up. I do not claim to be a Guru but I have acquired the necessary skills over the years to be able to make a very good income from the internet whilst teaching others to do the same. That is the main reason why I decided to set up this Internet Marketing blog. I want everyone to be able to live their dream, to work when they want to work, to work where they want to work from and to work only if they want to work. That’s what I do at the moment and I can enjoy quality time with my family, doing the things that I want to do…not what I am obliged to do. If you are interested in trying to achieve your dream of making your living online and working from anywhere in the world that you happen to be, then keep in touch with me at this blog and follow what I am doing. Please feel free to contact me at any time. I really will be delighted to hear from you.
Fed Up Of Being Invisible?..Get A Logo!
Published on 09-26-2018 03:09:04 PM by Jerry David
Developing a strong brand with a strong logo should be an important component of your marketing strategy.
Your logo represents your brand, so make sure that you have a
... (continue reading →)How To Start making money and growing your list immediately
Published on 09-08-2017 01:09:55 PM by Jerry David
I am guessing that you are reading this post because you are or are trying to be an internet marketer. You also want traffic which you are struggling to get right now..well we could all do with more traffic!
Making real money online is now harder than ever and although there are countless
... (continue reading →)