Core Beliefs (Part 3 of 4)

Published by David Gardner — 12-02-2018 05:12:51 PM

You gotta believe in the profession!

That is core belief #3 today!

Today it's about the profession.

Let's take a moment to really think this out...

-Would you expect to get a paycheck for not showing up?

-Should your boss expect to put a lot of effort into training you
if you are always late or always appear to be lazy and slacking
around and letting others do the work?

-Do you expect to get all your money on the first day?

Guess what...You probably answered a resounding NO to ALL
three of these questions when it comes to having a J/O/B!

So the question then arises, why would you think that building a business
online means you are going to start raking in piles of dough and making
it rain dollar bills the first day or week you show up.

Remember the profession is real.  People are doing this as a full time
profession and while there has been some negativity over the years
associated with things like MLM, or network marketing, many people
are feeding their kids, paying their mortgage, clothing themselves
and taking more vacations than they used to in the past thanks to
their continuous efforts WORKING.

Yes this requires WORK...It's why it's not called Netsleep marketing
or Netlazy Marketing.

You have to have respect for the profession and at the same time have
the belief that if you treat it right and put in an honest effort, then by all
means you have the ability to be extremely successful.

Personally I have been going part time with my business as I am a
full time HS Science teacher and have also coached sports for many
years as well.

It is the negative connotation of the past and people referring to online
or marketing businesses as sche/me or s/cams that have tarneshed
the industry to some point and more than likely it is due to someone
who did not put in the effort, only worked the business for a couple
weeks and then gave up and claimed it did not work.

All the while others are having massive success with the SAME program.

When it comes to only businesses, it's the people who come in
for ONE day sometimes...Yes, one day!  They join, then expect their
back office to be flooded with sales and a downline that explodes.

Yep, just for showing up.  

Right there is lack of respect for the process and not having a true belief
in the profession.

Instead go in with the mindset that it will be hard work for the first couple
months and possibly years.  You will likely see some success along the
path but perhaps not explosive.

When you look back 1, 2 or 5 years later an compare where you are to where
you were...that is where you see how it has truly exploded over time.

Because you knew that it might not happen today.  It might not happen tomorrow
or next month, though you truly knew deep down in your heart that it was going
to happen IF and ONLY IF you:

  • Stuck with the system and helped others
  • Followed the plan and training from the leaders
  • Took continuous action on the business and your knowledge base

It is these actions that compile together with the basic belief that the profession
is capable of doing so much good in the world in helping people in numerous ways
that will bring you to the success you desire.

If you truly believe in the business as a whole and its capabilities, then make it
and easy choice with a company that has been around for more than 20 years
and knows how to stick with it and help people around the world!

Let's do this!

Dave Gardner

PS Tomorrow we wrap it up with talking about how important your own self
belief is in the whole process

About David Gardner


Teacher/coach/Entrepreneur building his business in the health/fitness and marketing niches. Dave is a single dad of 3 kids, a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, science teacher and a leader in internet marketing. He has been published in a few books in the marketing and lacrosse niches.