
Published by David Gardner — 07-15-2021 02:07:18 PM


Why are you doing what you are doing?

Like why did you actually open my post today...are you looking for the magic software or pill will solve all of your problems?

Or are you looking to be part of something bigger than yourself?

While success is nice for yourself, imagine if you could help thousands (or even millions) of others achieve it as well.

Guess what?

You surely can when you take action and serve first, compared to asking for me first.

I am not saying you have to go off to some developing country and give your time (though I actually did that back 1998-2000 as a Peace Corps Volunteer)

I am saying the more people you help out in achieving what they want, the more likely success will come your way.

It could be either wealth, health or relationships...everything pretty much falls under those categories...that you help people in and want to see success in as well.

Obviously it will take some education along the way so being a lifelong learner is crucial, then the more important part is sharing what you have learned with others instead of keeping it to yourself like it's some precious ring with magical powers.

As a teacher and lead trainers in the primary company I work with, this is my main focus...I learn things and then I teach others about them as well to help them become more well rounded members of society, better students/players and successes in their business.

I also share the tools and software or platforms that I feel will help speed up the process for them and allow others to gain access around the world.

Today I will share like I have in the past some of my top recommendations...Just come check them out here:


Let's do this!

Dave Gardner

About David Gardner


Teacher/coach/Entrepreneur building his business in the health/fitness and marketing niches. Dave is a single dad of 3 kids, a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, science teacher and a leader in internet marketing. He has been published in a few books in the marketing and lacrosse niches.