Because my daughter needs new glasses

Published by David Gardner — 07-16-2021 01:07:51 PM

Curious why I am building my business while I already have a secure position as a HS Science teacher with great benefits and time off?

Well first of all I don't get paid all year so having something to supplement my income helps.

Take today for example when I took my youngest daughter for an eye appointment which required a slightly different presciption.  Now insurance covered the majority of it, though like any business there are upsells.

You can't just get the bells and whistles, but instead the make themselves look good with the base price.

Want anti glare-> that's an upcharge. I would love to have glare all the time.  For real lol!

Building a business helps with things like extra bills (or just bills in general) and while it takes money to build a business the I am at a point now where the main tools I used are paid for by commissions I make from referring others to those tools who have also used them to build their business.

Some want to earn funds to help pay for college (me too as I have three teenagers)

Some want to help with a car payment (I have just about 9 months left till my van...yes I have a minivan, is paid off)

Some want to go on vacations (Taking my girls next week down south for a week at the beach!)

Some want to help others see successes (I love it when customers share testimonials and tell other about my products/services)

Some want to retire themselves (while teaching has it's moments, my goal is to work anywhere in the world that there is internet access)

I could go on but I hope you get the point.

Some might just want to get stinky filthy rich, though the fact of the matter is that is rarely the case.  Most businesses fail perhaps because they go about things wrong or quit too soon.

It's those with the right missions or "WHY" that refuse to quit that have the most successes.

Whether you need to help pay for dance lessons, new sports equipment, school clothes, college, cars, houses, vacations or similar be sure you have a good reason that you can share with the world.

Let people know your why's!

My why is my three girls and like I said above I want to be able to provide things for them and travel and see them as they reach ages where they are not going to be with me with college and such.

I don't need the filthy rich (though I would not refuse it either haha!) and would be happy at being comfortable with the bills paid for and happy...

...and being able to be part of something bigger than me and help others reach happiness and success as well.

I want to welcome you to the best health in your life because it all starts with that...if you don't have your health you won't be able to enjoy the wealth, or relationships and I want you to feel great AND look great as well.

I mean it is beach season after all.

Right now you can get a ONE time LIFETIME membership with the Now Body platform which includes but is not limited to fitness tracker, training videos (workouts and education), meal tracker, recipes, live webinars and much more.

Just click that link above now and take that next step to a better you for yourself and your loved ones.

Let's do this!

Dave Gardner

About David Gardner


Teacher/coach/Entrepreneur building his business in the health/fitness and marketing niches. Dave is a single dad of 3 kids, a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, science teacher and a leader in internet marketing. He has been published in a few books in the marketing and lacrosse niches.