Do this not that...

Published by David Gardner — 03-14-2022 03:03:53 PM

For years you have been told things like Do this__________ or Don't do _____________!

Some were to help you feel safe while others might be to make you get smarter (stronger etc.)

In all cases the person giving you this statement was thinking it was something that would benefit YOU in the long run.

Not being one to sugar coat things I have a couple do's and don't for you.


  • Continue to learn
  • Take massive action on what you learn by applying it to your business
  • Invest in/Buy paid traffic when you can from reputable sellers
  • Take time to celebrate the small wins (could be your first lead, sale, referral etc.)
  • Re-invest some of your profits into more traffic
  • Connect with people and share them some personal things about you (know like and trust!)
  • Continue to build your automated follow up emails while also doing live broadcasts
  • Take care of your physical/mental well being first so that you can take care of others later


  • Let negativity run your life or take up space in your thoughts (Kick those people out!)
  • Expect to just show up and have things happen for you (Take hold of your own future!)
  • Wait for the next best thing (or all the next best things...aka shiny balls!)
  • Ignore your customers even after they have made a purchase (Keep following up and sell them more!)
  • Think you need to learn and do everything all at once (Rome was not build in a day!)
  • Post on social media with just a spammy message and your link (make it valuable!)
  • Give up when you fail (Instead learn from your mistakes and fail forward fast!)
  • Forget that you have the ability for achieving great thing!

While these are not all exclusive lists, there are TWO other 'do' items that I want you to take action on

1) Do grab a copy of my book, The $2 Dollar Secret at

2) Start building your list with the efforts of others at

It's all in how you take action as to whether you will see success or not

Let's do this!

Dave Gardner

About David Gardner


Teacher/coach/Entrepreneur building his business in the health/fitness and marketing niches. Dave is a single dad of 3 kids, a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, science teacher and a leader in internet marketing. He has been published in a few books in the marketing and lacrosse niches.