Super Sunday and Super Traffic

Published by David Gardner — 02-11-2024 01:02:02 PM

Who you got in the big game today?

Personally I am a NY Giants fan so I could say stick with the NFC and 49er's but the Chiefs do bring excitement to the game so as long as it's not a blowout I could really care less either way lol!

I know that the win truly has no effect on my life...though my Super bowl squares might help me cash out some extra dough tonight 

All kidding aside I am just as excited about the commercials as I am about the game as the creators really try and bring their 'A' game to this stage.

For every 30 seconds it is going to cost the company running their ad $7 Million!

Yeah, read that again, $7 Million dropped in 30 seconds.

So it better be good and better get attention.

They obviously want to have a good ROI on it and have people talking about it the next day at work or sharing it on social media!

Well guess what, starting tomorrow and for the next few days you will be able get a masterclass training from one of the best video marketing creators around.

Someone who has worked with the likes of IBM, PF Chang's, Jack in the Box and even more!

Get on the early bird list here NOW so you know as soon as the Case study goes live:

There will be THREE case studies like the one that starts tomorrow and you will want to be in on them to get some amazing ideas in how you can start to ramp up your own marketing skillset and be able to get more eyes on your content.

Early Bird Traffic Mastermind Registration/JV Invite!

TOMORROW, my former Mastermind leader Mike Filsaime and fellow member and now business partner Tom Beal are launching a Traffic Mastermind.

One of the best things you can do to learn marketing is to learn how to generate your own traffic to your offers.

They are launching a "Traffic Syndicate" Mastermind with Launch dates from February 12-29 which includes but is not limited to

1) Live in person training 3X/year for 5 days (actually 4 days of learning and one of fun!) down in Baca Raton Florida.

2) Weekly live sessions to watch live or on demand.

3) Strategies covering all sorts of traffic generation strategies from the people who have been working behind the scenes for Mike, Brendan Burchard and many others.

Right now we are looking for Affiliates and JV partners and are paying out on two tiers...40% on the direct sales and 10% on second tier sales and you can register a free account to become one today and also get on the early bird list to know when thing launch if you are not interested in promoting but are in joining the mastermind.

Use this link to become a JV Partner

Or if you only want to check out the Mastermind but not promote...

Use this link to get on the early bird list to be able to access the THREE case studies then use this link instead!

Let's do this!

Dave Gardner

315-559-2784 (Text/voicemail Only)

PS If you are looking to ramp up your income and promote ANY PROGRAM within a proven system, then check this out!

About David Gardner


Teacher/coach/Entrepreneur building his business in the health/fitness and marketing niches. Dave is a single dad of 3 kids, a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, science teacher and a leader in internet marketing. He has been published in a few books in the marketing and lacrosse niches.