LAS Blogs: David Gardner

About David Gardner


Teacher/coach/Entrepreneur building his business in the health/fitness and marketing niches. Dave is a single dad of 3 kids, a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, science teacher and a leader in internet marketing. He has been published in a few books in the marketing and lacrosse niches.

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! →

The Easy Commission Funnel is finally updated and Ready

Published on 07-09-2024 12:07:04 PM by David Gardner

It's finally here!

The Easy Commission Funnel (ECF) is NEW and Updated where Jeff does all the work for us.

Well, most of the work that is!

There is a set up process on your part but it is FREE to use and has 6 Streams of Income inside for you to build the business of your

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Been a minute...But worth it!

Published on 06-10-2024 01:06:56 PM by David Gardner

Wow...It's been a minute as the school year is winding down, my youngest daughter is graduating, my middle one moved in with her cat and I have been building out my content on my blog and YT channels.

For the BEST and most current and up to date deets be sure to get on my new mailing

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3 Good Things Today!

Published on 04-13-2024 12:04:45 PM by David Gardner

Bad things come in threes right?  Well I want to change the tide on that and have you take part in THREE great things

Thus, I have a challenge for you today!

Good thing #1

I want you to pick up my Free* book (I just ask you cover S/H)

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Fired Up!

Published on 03-15-2024 04:03:12 PM by David Gardner

You gotta be FIRED UP when you see stuff like this!

1) This company continues to explode around the world

2) The video funnel software I used to make the page rocks and this took less then 5 minutes to set up (and can be used for ANY business or opportunity)

Come see for

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The $2 Dollar Secret

Published on 02-19-2024 11:02:09 AM by David Gardner

Do you know what the $2 Dollar Secret is?

Well it's a marketing thing I picked up from a couple of masters years ago and is one of the biggest secrets that the supposed 'Gurus' and Billion dollar companies DON'T want you know!

I'm spilling the beans here though!

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Super Sunday and Super Traffic

Published on 02-11-2024 01:02:02 PM by David Gardner

Who you got in the big game today?

Personally I am a NY Giants fan so I could say stick with the NFC and 49er's but the Chiefs do bring excitement to the game so as long as it's not a blowout I could really care less either way lol!

I know that the win truly has no effect on my

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Your Name on the Leaderboards

Published on 02-03-2024 01:02:47 PM by David Gardner

Want to know one of the best things I love seeing?

YOUR Name in the leaderboards!

Not going to lie, I love seeing my name there as well because I love the competition but it make me even more excited to see people I am connected to rocking the leaderboards.

Take for example one

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Buyers, Buyers, Everywhere!

Published on 01-02-2024 02:01:44 PM by David Gardner

One of the keys to your success in 2024 will be getting more eyes on your offers.

Being able to get more traffic and knowing which ones are the best kinds can sometimes be tricky.

What if you could get a group of buyers clicking your link?

That would the best and most ideal

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Ending 2023 with a QUANTUM Bang!

Published on 12-29-2023 12:12:12 PM by David Gardner

How are you going to end the last three days of 2023?

Like a dud fizzling out, or with a QUANTUM Bang!

This is a

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A Boost to the let down!

Published on 12-26-2023 02:12:25 PM by David Gardner

If you celebrated Christmas yesterday I truly hope it was a great time with family, friends and loved ones...between time with my GF and her kids, my own three girls, dinner at my brothers place and seeing my other cousins and nieces it was a great day!

By the end of the night as I drove

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