

Dennis Segokgo

Contact Info

Facebook - Dennis Segokgo

Twitter - dsegokgo

Location - Botswana

Join Date - 2016-04-30

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About Me

I am a 46 year old Motswana, an education administrator by profession who has a conviction to continuously acquire new knowledge and skills. I have discovered the Internet to have a wealth of information that we can tap from. That is why I can describe myself as an enthusiastic online marketer who is continuously searching for alternative sources of income to augment my current income. I fully understand that the success of every business depends on the availability of people to buy. For this reason, I have incessantly invested in a wide range of traffic generation
strategies along side the many business opportunities I am engaged in. I believe in the power of team work which makes the dream work. So therefore, I believe in leveragin the effort of other people to create wealth for the whole team. You too can achieve this amount of success if you put in some effort.

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