Published by Derrick Benn — 12-30-2016 06:12:21 PM

Learning to LEVERAGE LeasedAdSpace and any online program is key to your success!

This is not one of those corny attempts to sell you on another program. It's just me sharing

with you useful nuggets that I have learned about online marketing. When I think of the 

word leverage, words and phrases like 'take over', 'robust', and 'over power', come to mind.

That's it, you want to over power any program you get involved with! You don't just want

to be another member. You also don't do what most of us do with our insurance/s. We get the

plan, BUT DON'T use all of our benefits!

I want you to learn all about and use all of YOUR BENEFITS! Marketing online can become a lot

more easy for you, though it takes consistent focus and hard work. Learn how I am using programs

like LEAD LIGHTNING and others to make my job easier. With that, I can now offer others a solution,

or an addition to what they're already doing. 

It's time to level up. There are so many tools and perks that you get with lead lightning for just a 

one time $7 bucks. The system is yours to use for life too! $6 dollar commission for every sign up,

of course member training, with lots more to offer. 



Warm Regards,

Derrick Benn

253.571.8869 (call or text)

About Derrick Benn


Hello, my name's Derrick. I am a husband and father of three. My goal is to share what I have learned about online marketing and help others learn the same thing. One major thing that you must know is that for you business to thrive, you need traffic. Traffic brings in more leads and more leads become more signups!