Poverty, who is responsible: God , or man?

Published by Eddy Pierre — 08-08-2018 12:08:32 PM

I have always been fascinated by the extent to which much of the world population live in poverty. I often wonder why there is so much poverty in the world. Is poverty man-made, or does it serve a divine purpose? This is really a hard question to debate. Even though, I can recognize God's fingerprint behind some manifestations of this disease, I find it hard to dismiss man's contribution to its existence in the form of erroneous beliefs. 

I feel that physical health is the birthright of every human being. In the same way, I believe that financial  health is also their birthright. For too long, the outward forms of poverty has been accepted as normal and even turned into a  virtue by a lot of religious people. And, this is where these  people are confused: they wrongly assume that material possessions can become an hindrance to their spiritual evolution. I do not accept this philosophy because material possessions are not the problem. The real hindrance is the psychological attachment to these possessions. One may not have even one penny attached to their name, and still be very much attached to money. Another may have millions in the bank today, and lose everything tomorrow. Yet, such a colossal loss may not cause that person to lose even one minute of sleep over their new fate.

Now, what is the point of all this talk? It is just to show that we do not need to sanctify poverty, nor do we need to demonize riches. There is absolutely nothing wrong in possessing things. There is nothing virtuous in renouncing them, either. The key factor is the nature of your relationship to them: do you just possess them, or do they possess you instead?

If you can see the truth of what I am saying, then I invite you to challenge yourself to better financial health if you are suffering from that disease.      

A good way to start would be, in my view, to own a business. Why do I say that? Well, for the simple reason that you stand a much higher chance to free yourself from poverty when you have a reliable source of passive income. Yes, my friends, passive income is the best form of income.!!! Thanks for reading my post.

To earn a passive income CLICK HERE

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About Eddy Pierre


My name is Eddy Pierre Pierre. I like to think of myself as a "regular guy, living a regular life" I am also part of a team of entrepreneurs called Donate 2 Profit. Our goals. We are the Donate 2 Profit Team, and our objective is to help you make money in a way that is simple and easy to implement. It does not matter if you had prior experiences or not in making money online, our method will place cash in your pocket if you care to put it into action. Everybody can do it and profit from using it. You can visit us at: http://bit.ly/2tOtDKh Thanks for visiting my blog!