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Hello world: as I was fooling around with thoughts, and started examining the way people spend their money, I came to the conclusion that they use it in three different ways:
a- out of a necessity,
b- out of an impulse,
c- out of clear deliberation.
Some classic examples of spending born out of necessity are expenses such as rent, food , clothing. These expenses are unavoidable. People absolutely need those things in order to sustain their lives. And because of that, I call this kind of spending:
Right spending.
A perfect example of expenses that people incur as a result of an impulse is when they see something advertised on TV, or in a magazine and immediately feel the urge to own it, which they often acquire the same day or the same week. This kind of spending is what I term: Foolish spending. Here is why: people usually never take the time to consider whether or not this new item is something that they really need. All they know is that owning this particular object will make them very happy, and they go for it. In other words, they are engaged in the pursuit of happiness through acquiring an object, which can never deliver what they are really looking for: lasting happiness. Whatever feeling of happiness this item might have brought them, is bound to fade away.They find themselves caught up in this never ending game of acquiring newer and newer objects just to maintain a quickly evaporating state of happiness.
Finally, all expenses that people embrace with the prospect of financial gains are good illustrations of deliberate spending. Decisions like buying a house, investing in government bonds or the stock market are spending that I see as: Smart spending. It is so because such expenditures will eventually create a profit for the people who understand the wisdom in strategic spending.
The point of this discussion is quite simple: get your spending priorities straight. Before indulging in Foolish spending, you need to invest your hard earned money someplace where it will create a profit for you, which could be used to pay for your compulsive buying. Therefore, it would be wise to adhere to this basic spending pattern: first, Right spending;second, Smart spending; and last Foolish spending. If you follow this advice, I am confident that the worries associated with debts will cease to be part of your daily existence. Please see the truth of it!
About Eddy Pierre
My name is Eddy Pierre Pierre. I like to think of myself as a "regular guy, living a regular life" I am also part of a team of entrepreneurs called Donate 2 Profit. Our goals. We are the Donate 2 Profit Team, and our objective is to help you make money in a way that is simple and easy to implement. It does not matter if you had prior experiences or not in making money online, our method will place cash in your pocket if you care to put it into action. Everybody can do it and profit from using it. You can visit us at: Thanks for visiting my blog!