Success requires focus.

Published by Eddy Pierre — 08-22-2018 04:08:17 PM

Hello world: It is amazing to see how the Internet marketing world mirrors the world of our daily existence. Only a very small percentage of people are really enjoying phenomenal success and living their dreams to the fullest in both of these worlds. The rest of them, (or rather the rest of us) are barely surviving, or just trying to survive. Why is this so? Looking at myself, and reflecting on my own experiences, I feel confident enough to propose one major reason: lack of focus.The mind has this natural tendency to be constantly on the move, looking forward to the next moment, to the better whatever. Imagine how delighted the mind must be when its attention is being pulled in a million different directions by those messages that promise instant success. We see them all over the Internet: “free leads system,,,, free video reveals…, free this, free that”.  How much more difficult it becomes to remain focused when the temptations are so great! You end up in confusion, not knowing exactly what to do. This guru tells you follow me, I will show you the way. Then, another one comes along and says: “ I will show you a better, a quicker way”. And since you want quick success bad enough, you find yourself jumping all over the place not completing anything that you started. And then one day, you might come back to your senses and realize that this dancing around is actually taking you further and further away from your goals. In fact, it is much wiser to look for water in one spot by digging deep enough until you find it, than to travel all over the planet digging holes of only a few inches deep, and not finding anything. If you are thirsty enough, you will come to understand that water is water wherever it flows, and that there is no point in insisting that only perrier water can quench your thirst.  You see, Success is a lady from the “old school”. You will need to prove yourself to her before she accepts to go out with you on a first date. So be patient. If you find an opportunity that speaks to you, stick with it and stop paying attention to the noise around you!

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About Eddy Pierre


My name is Eddy Pierre Pierre. I like to think of myself as a "regular guy, living a regular life" I am also part of a team of entrepreneurs called Donate 2 Profit. Our goals. We are the Donate 2 Profit Team, and our objective is to help you make money in a way that is simple and easy to implement. It does not matter if you had prior experiences or not in making money online, our method will place cash in your pocket if you care to put it into action. Everybody can do it and profit from using it. You can visit us at: Thanks for visiting my blog!