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1 Up / Reverse 1 Up - My Favourite Pay Plan Over 19 Years Online
Published by Ancel Fernandes — 09-07-2023 11:09:37 AM
Over the past 19 years that I have been a full-time online affiliate/network marketer, I have engaged in online business systems & opportunities, with varied pay plans, and I have learned from my many past mistakes and experiences.
I understand mathematics and pay plans very well. This is my forte
My favorite pay plans are ranked below, in terms of easier to earn more with the same efforts:
1) 1 up pay plan (not MLM)
2) Reverse 1 up pay plan (not MLM)
3) 1x2 forced matrix pay plan (smallest matrix - only 2 positions need to be filled to complete the matrix)
4) Unilevel pay plan (not MLM)
5) 1x3 forced matrix pay plan (3 positions need to be filled to complete the matrix)
6) 2x2 forced matrix pay plan (6 positions need to be filled to complete the matrix)
7) 2x12 or 2x15 or 2x21 forced matrix pay plan
1 up pay plans provide a high leverage, as all we do is pass up our 1st referral and sale amount, and that creates a cascading effect of everyone passing up their 1st referral to us, starting from our 2nd referral which creates a payline with unlimited pass ups down to infinity. Every new referral of ours creates a new payline with unlimited pass-ups down to infinity.
In reverse 1 up pay plans, we pass up our 2nd referral and sale amounts, which creates unlimited pass-ups down to infinity.
1 up & reverse 1 up pay plans are sustainable and last for many years.
"It's in giving that we receive" - this is one of the universal laws of success, and the 1 up pay plan follows this principle. We give up or pass up our 1st referral (in case of a 1 UP) or our 2nd referral (in case of a reverse 1 UP) to our sponsor, and as a result, we receive many unlimited pass-ups down to infinity from our other referrals' paylines.
Each additional referral creates a new payline. This is very lucrative.
We do not have to make the efforts to build large teams to earn in a 1 UP or a reverse 1 UP pay plan system, like we have to do in MLMs.
1 UP & reverse 1 UP pay plans are not MLM. These are affiliate marketing systems with built-in leverage of infinity pass-ups.
My favorite 1 up pay plan system, which has been working very well for the past 7 years, with regular improvements, is EE
If you too want to receive unlimited $100 / $250 / $500 / $1000 / $2000 instant payments,
Click and watch the video to learn more
My favourite reverse 1 up pay plan, which has been working for 5 years, is ITB.
If you too would like to receive unlimited amounts in Bitcoin
CLICK HERE to learn more and register free.
About Ancel Fernandes

I am a marketing professional with 25+ years of experience, and a full-time internet marketer since 2005 after I quit my last job as Exec VP Marketing and the career rat race. I am passionate about using my knowledge, experience & wisdom ( by learning from my past mistakes online) to share, guide, and help 1000s globally to earn additional/full-time income online, with the time freedom to enjoy more time with their loved ones and pursue their other interests. To learn more about me, check out my digital card at