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2x2 Forced Matrix v/s 1x2 Forced Matrix - Which Provides Quicker Cashflow & Bigger Income
Published by Ancel Fernandes — 09-10-2023 08:09:08 AM
Some of us like to participate in programs that have a 2x2 forced matrix compensation plan.
A 2x2 matrix requires 6 positions to be filled for the matrix to be completed, to cycle, and to progress to the next higher stage, in case it is a multi-stage program.
Over the past 1 year, I have been engaged in a good program with 10 stages of 2x2 team forced matrix, starting with only $11 in Stage 1 and the last 10th stage is $5000
This particular advertising system program has the additional feature of us earning as and when any of the 4 positions in our payline (2nd line of the 2x2) gets filled, instead of waiting for all 6 positions in the 2x2 matrix to be filled before we can earn.
It also has another additional good feature where members can purchase combination advertising packages and duplicate this, so that this fast-tracks our earnings.
We can pay $33 to purchase advertising packages in the 1st 2 stages ( each stage being a 2x2)
We can pay $75 to purchase advertising packages in the 1st 3 stages ( each stage being a 2x2)
We can pay $158 to purchase advertising packages in the 1st 4 stages ( each stage being a 2x2)
We can pay $320 to purchase advertising packages in the 1st 6 stages ( each stage being a 2x2)
Some of my direct referrals, team members and I purchased the $320 combo advertising package and duplicated this with those who could afford to buy $320. Some bought $320, some bought $158, some bought $75, some bought $33 and some bought $11
Some of our team members in this advertising program, including myself, were able to earn $4000+ within a month by following the $320 duplication strategy.
There are 3000+ active members in this advertising program, so my banner ads and text ads are generating leads and sign-ups for my other opportunities.
CLICK HERE to learn more, and join FREE, and then I will send you a detailed welcome email that explains the steps and the strategy that you can adopt to earn more faster in this system.
A 1x2 matrix ( some call it a 2x1 matrix) is the smallest possible matrix structure. It requires only 2 positions to be filled to complete the matrix and progress to the next higher stage if it is a multi-stage program.
Therefore, a 1x2 matrix provides quick cash flow. However, the amount of this cash flow is a lot smaller as compared to a 2x2 pay plan.
I have another good advertising system in my portfolio where the pay plan is based on 5 stages and each stage is a 1x2 team forced matrix. The 1st stage starts at only $5 making this affordable to the masses.
We also have the option to buy $58 in all 5 stages and duplicate this to fast-track our income.
In this system, each $5 position would earn us $39 over time as we cycle all 5 stages. When we cycle the last 5th stage, we automatically get 4 nos of $5 re-entry positions in Stage 1. Therefore we can keep quadrupling our number of $5 positions in this advertising system and each position could earn us $39 over and over again.
This 1x2 team forced matrix advertising system is new - just a couple of weeks in private launch, and it is growing rapidly, with approximately 1000 members in the system.
My banner ads and text ads in this system are generating leads and sign-ups for my other opportunities.
CLICK HERE to learn more, and join FREE, then I will send you a detailed welcome email that explains the steps and the strategy that you can adopt to earn more faster in this system.
A 2x2 matrix pay plan would provide us with a larger earning, but it could take a longer time as 6 positions need to be filled in each 2x2 matrix stage. A 1x2 matrix pay plan would provide us with a quicker cashflow as only 2 positions are needed to be filled in each 1x2 matrix stage.
This is why I have advertising systems with both a 2x2 team-forced matrix pay plan and a 1x2 team-forced matrix pay plan in my portfolio.
About Ancel Fernandes

I am a marketing professional with 25+ years of experience, and a full-time internet marketer since 2005 after I quit my last job as Exec VP Marketing and the career rat race. I am passionate about using my knowledge, experience & wisdom ( by learning from my past mistakes online) to share, guide, and help 1000s globally to earn additional/full-time income online, with the time freedom to enjoy more time with their loved ones and pursue their other interests. To learn more about me, check out my digital card at