Banner Ads Just Don't Work - VIRAL BANNER ADS That Get Clicks

Published by Anil Prajapati — 01-26-2018 07:01:42 AM

Up until recently, whether you knew it or not, banner advertising
was really only effective at increasing your brand awareness.

In fact, if you've used banner advertising before, you probably
know that the click-rates on them are horribly low... and sign-ups?

Forget about it.

The SOTAM and vTrafficRush guys plan to change that with the new
BucketsofBanners (BoB) that is  rolling out in 3 phases.

They started with the Interactive Splash Page!

Viral elements were added that get your banners shown... even when
you aren't promoting!

There is also a sign-up bonus infused in the banner of Club BoB members
that encourage people to click on their banners... even when it's not them

How cool is that?

Get In NOW!


About Anil Prajapati


Affiliate & Network Marketer...Loves helping people achieve financial freedom online.