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Brand new artificial intelligence forces your success...
Published by Manuel DaCosta — 09-21-2018 10:09:27 PM
Today I received an email from my sponsor where he shared a message he received from his sponsor.
Here's the message:
Wow just got off a founders private meeting with Ash. Guys forget
all you know about business, your past success or failures. What we
have in our hands now is a solution to build any business. I heard a
good quote today on the meeting: “People cannot be what they want
to be because they are too accustomed to what they are.”
It is very hard to blame people that don’t understand because we are
so used to disappointment in this industry. So when we finally have
a business that will revolutionize the industry, we just say same old
same old. Forget all you know and what you have been through. I am
here to tell you that yes a parachute does work (when it is open) so
does your mind.
I get questions all the time and today I received this one:
“Based on the calls you've attended, what are your preliminary
thoughts on this program?”
My answer:
“First of all let me clarify, it is not a program. It is a life changing
business that no one can compare to anything, because nothing exists
that even looks like it. It is going to be a life changer for everyone.
And will be here for years to come, gone are the days of joining a
new "program" every couple days in the hope that this will be the
one.” I am happy to say that finally it is with pride that I can offer
a solution to everyone that is struggling to make a living from the
best industry in the world. This will be a game changer for ALL,
when I say all I mean all regardless of your abilities or lack of....
If you are one that never had success, this is for you. And finally
I am proud to be able to bring a solution to the industry.
I totally agree with this assessment and I'm looking forward to the
launch which is to happen very soon now.
For the details on what we are talking about here Click Here
About Manuel DaCosta

A few words about me: I'm Manuel DaCosta, Network Marketer since 2010, working with various companies mainly online. I love networking with like minded people, helping them build their business. I am originally from Portugal, living in Montreal, Canada, since 1982. My job is to make sure that my team is successful. I do so by keeping in touch with them and always being available to assist and help in any way that I can. I recognize that I can only be successful if my team is also successful. That is the nature of Network Marketing and the main reason that I just love this industry is that one is immensely rewarded for helping others and goes far beyond the monetary reward. it is greatly satisfying to know that I was able to help others better their lives. Come join my team!