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David Chan
Contact Info
Skype - david.chan928
Facebook - profile.php?id=100008738462965
Location - Vancouver, Canada
Join Date - 2016-09-09
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About Me
Hello everyone, my name is David Chan, I am married and have 2 wonderful children.
I work a full time job and supplement my income with internet marketing working from home.
My passion is to help people make money with online business opportunities.
I am passionate about helping people from all walks of life to learn how to live a Life filled with an abundance of Wealth, Health and Happiness.
Helping Others To Succeed.....
When you start thinking like a success, you start feeling like a success. When you start feeling like a success, you start acting like a success. When you start acting like a success you start creating successful results.
Thinking, feeling, acting, creating. I love life and how predictable the cycles can be. It makes it so easy to make the right choices. Choose your desired results, decide on the actions to get you there. Make the decision to do it.
Everything in life is about choice. You choose to be happy, or not. You choose to be wealthy, or not. You make a choice every moment of every day. You will serve yourself well to be aware of the choices you make so you can make the choice to make better choices.
"You can have anything you want in life if you will help enough other people get what they want." ~ Zig Ziglar
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