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Since watching the film the Matrix over 10 years ago, it is becoming
more and more clear to me everyday, that the message according
to my interpretation is as serious as a heart attack.
That message is that, NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS
Let's use the analogy of working in a job for 40 years to dig deeper
into the idea of NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS.
We were taught to go to school, get good grades, so that we can
get a good job which normally means, working for 40 hours, for
40 years to be rewarded with a pension, which is 40% of the money
we could just about live on for 40 years.
The funny thing about this plan, is that the majority of people on the
planet are doing this, but yet they are the ones with the least money,
and least time to spend with their love ones.
When I annalize that plan, it makes me think of one thing......
Following that plan means that there will always be a cieling on the amount
money we can earn, the amount of holidays we can take and the amount of time
we can spend with our loved ones., because we are given in a just, just enough that
we feel is acceptable to stay and in turn we work just enough in order to be kep on
Society has had this plan engraved so deep in their brain, that if anyone is told
anything else other than that, the alarm bells of, "thats a scam" starts to sound.
Here is the irony
3% of the population is doing something totally different,
they work smarter by investing into assets that let money work for them so
that they can spend more time with their loved ones, go on more holidays and
have more money than they know what to do with.
In other words they control the 97% who are chasing money through a job
Final thoughts
Richard Branson the multi billion dollar mogul is know for saying, "If someone offers
you and incredible opportunity and you do not understand it, say yes and learn
to understand it later" That advice will be the greatest advice you will ever implement
because it will open up a world where by you can live a life on your own terms.
Why is this very important??? Because NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS
About Santella Austin

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