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Affiliate Marketing vs Network Marketing: Which is better?
Published by Edwal Richards — 12-12-2018 12:12:12 PM
For years the debate has been going on about which is the better marketing strategy to employ and or embrace. Whether it be network marketing or affiliate marketing.
You may be new to working online or you may be online for awhile and trying to decide which avenue you should take. I am here to break down each for you so that you may be better able to make a decision on your online entrepreneurial journey.
Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate marketing is the process of introducing a product to interested customers with an intention for them to make a purchase. When they make a purchase, you will in turn make a commission. This commission will vary from platform to platform and can range anywhere from a few dollars to over $1000 per purchase.
This is because different products will offer different percentages for promoting their products. I personally prefer percentages from 50% up however there are products like clickfunnel which offers their affiliates 40% and has done quite well. This is because their products are in demand and solves a need in the marketplace and the prices of the products and incentives for the affiliates makes it very lucrative and beneficial for themselves.
It is important therefore to choose the offer carefully and to determine that the product is in demand in the marketplace. Two very popular platforms for digital affiliate products are Clickbank and Jvzoo. Both offer competitive percentage rates for affiliates and they are reliable and consistent in paying their affiliates on time.
It is also important to note the offers which has a high gravity score or which is being sold by lots of affiliates. This is to ensure that you will generate sales as well. After all, if others can get sales for the product, you will certainly be able to get sales as well. Just take the time and mirror what they do.
Some affiliate products comes with recurring payments so therefore you will be able to earn monthly from your one time marketing efforts. Once you get going and build a following, you can explore promoting high ticket offers which will generate more income per sale for you. Remember, it takes the same effort to promote a product for $50 as it does for $1000. The only difference is that you will make more money for the $1000 offer.
The downside of affiliate marketing is that you are working by yourself for yourself and unless you have a lot of recurring products sold, you will not make money for a period if you do not sell anything new for that particular period of time. The key is to find quality products with recurring payments to consistently grow your income each time.
Network Marketing
Network marketing on the other hand involves building a team of persons in one particular company. This team is your network and the more persons who join your team will results in more sales and earnings for you. It is important that you communicate regularly with your team and show them what is working for you so they can follow suit. Their success will result in more earnings for you.
Let me give you an example and I will use a basic rounded figure. Let’s say you as an affiliate marketer has 10 sales of a product valued at $50 for which you make 50% which is average for most affiliate products.
Your total sales for the period is $250 for which your commission would be $125. If this is a recurring payment, you would be getting your $125 each and every month. If you want to earn more you would have to make more sales. It is as simple as that. Bear in mind that many affiliate offers have upsells which will greatly increase your earnings which can be doubled or triple your original sales commissions.
A network marketer on the other hand would be able to leverage from the efforts of those they brought into the company or their referrals. Most companies pay up to 30%from the persons brought in by your referrals.
Using the same figures with a network marketer. Let say you brought in 10 persons and five of those persons brought in 5 persons each. Let us do the breakdown :
Personal sales – 10 x $50 = $250. Commission at 50% = $125
Referral sales – 5 x 5 =25 x $50 = $1250. Commission @30% = $375
Total earnings would be $125 +$375 = $500 and that my friend is the power of network marketing.
When your team members recruit more persons your earnings will continue to increase even if your personal referrals does not increase.
Both affiliate and network marketing can be very lucrative for you and I would encourage you that whichever one you choose, to focus on taking the time to build your business. This is not an overnight thing.
Too often we see persons making huge amounts of money online and think this is an instant success. These persons took the time to build their business and you can do it too. Understand that there is always a learning curve. I am personally involved with both and loving them because as I have always said, I believe in multiple sources of income (msi).
If you are choosing affiliate marketing, take the time to do the necessary research.Especially if you are just starting out, it would be best if you can find an affiliate marketing program like this one which has a done-for-you system, has passive recurring payments and will followup with your leads for you. All you will need to do is drive traffic. There is also very detailed training which will assist you on your journey in growing your business. Lots of persons are making thousands monthly using this system alone.
There are many good network marketing companies online which offers you great options. The one I am involved with has the best compensation plan I have seen anywhere. To give you an example, using the figures from above, with only ten referrals I am earning over $750
Now that you have a better idea of what each offers, the important thing is that you get started. There is no better time than now. You can learn and improve as you grow.
Are you currently involved in network marketing or affiliate marketing?
Leave a comment below on what your thoughts or suggestions are about each.
Until next time.

“If you dream it and believe it, you can achieve it because you certainly deserve it. Live your deserved life”
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About Edwal Richards

I am a digital entrepreneur who influences persons to take actions to achieve success in their own life and personal goals. I will be giving you tips, strategies and steps you can take in progressing on your online journey. Feel free to pick up your Step-By-Step Guide to earning 10k per month-- "Simple Steps To 10k".