Comprehensive Guide to Work Passes in Singapore

Published by E&H Immigration Consultancy — 09-04-2024 03:09:46 AM

 Foreigners intending to work in Singapore must have a valid work pass (commonly known as a work visa) before starting work. Employers must ensure their foreign employees hold the appropriate pass. The type of work pass required depends on the nature of the work. This guide provides an overview of the various work passes available in Singapore.

Employment Pass (EP):

As of now, foreign professionals, managers, and executives earning at least S$5,000 a month, with a qualifying salary increasing with age, can apply for an LTVP+ application. Applicants must pass the Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS), requiring a score of 40 points across 6 categories—three for individual attributes and three for the hiring firm’s attributes. Passes are valid for up to 2 years for first-time candidates and renew for up to 3 years. Key features include eligibility for family member passes and no foreign worker levy or quotas for employers.


For foreign entrepreneurs looking to start and operate a venture-backed or innovative technology business in Singapore, the immigration services Singapore process has specific requirements. Applicants need to have raised funding for a past or current business, been supported by a government-recognized or internationally renowned incubator or accelerator, founded and sold a technology business, or hold intellectual property or have a research collaboration in Singapore. There is no minimum salary required, but the term for new passes and first-time renewals is 1 year, while subsequent renewals are for 2 years. Although the ICA has the final say on approval, Enterprise Singapore will periodically engage with pass holders for activities such as workshops, networking, or mentorship and conduct audits. Key benefits of this pass include the flexibility to start and operate a business in Singapore, passes for eligible family members based on business performance, and no quotas.

Personalised Employment Pass (PEP):

For high-earning existing EP holders or overseas foreign professionals, this pass offers greater flexibility than a standard Employment Pass, which is a pathway for those considering becoming a citizen of Singapore. However, the requirements can be tougher, with applicants needing a monthly salary of at least S$22,500. For overseas foreign nationals, this should be the last drawn salary within the last 6 months of the application. The pass is valid for up to 3 years, with no renewal option. To continue working in Singapore after expiry, applicants must obtain another type of work pass. Key features include not needing to reapply for a pass when changing jobs, passes for eligible family members, and no foreign worker levy or quota requirements for employers. PEP holders can also apply for Singapore Permanent Residency (PR).

Overseas Networks & Expertise (ONE) Pass:

For top talent in business, arts and culture, sports, and academia and research. The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) generally assesses each ONE Pass candidates on a case-by-case basis. Each applicant needs to have a fixed monthly salary of at least S$30,000 or its equivalent currency, for the past 12 months. If you are an overseas candidate, you must be able to demonstrate that you worked for a company that has a market capitalisation or valuation of US$500 million or an annual revenue of at least US$200 million, and to have worked in the company overseas for at least 1 year. Alternatively, if the salary criteria are not met, candidates need to show outstanding achievements in either sports, arts/culture or academia and research. The ONE Pass is renewable for 5 years each time. Other benefits of this pass are that candidates are exempted from the COMPASS framework and employers do not need to comply with the Consideration Framework job advertising requirements, employers also do not need to pay foreign worker levy and there is no quota, availability of passes for eligible family members and spouses are able to apply to work on a Letter of Consent (LOC).

Next Steps and How We Can Help

Choosing the right work pass is crucial for a smooth employment experience in Singapore. For detailed guidance on the application process and eligibility criteria, consider consulting with E&H Immigration Consultancy. Visit for more information.

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