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Are you a leader?
Before you answer that question, please read the following definition: A leader is any person who realizes the importance of becoming a bigger and better person with the passing of every day, week and month, and who takes responsibility for their own growth. Being a leader is actively creating positive momentum in your business and personal life. It’s being in control of your life. And it’s spending your days the way that you want. Is that the kind of life you’d like to lead? If so, you may be interested in something called “Fourth Dimensional Leadership.” It’s a new way of looking at leadership. In fact, it’s such a unique and empowering concept that Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher and Blaine Bartlett are hosting a two and-a-half-day event by that same name.
Between them, Bob, Sandy and Blaine have been enjoying this kind of leadership for more than half a century. I’m looking to take my life to a new level this year so I registered for the LIVE Stream of this special seminar. I hope you’ll join me and the entire LIVE Stream community for this extraordinary learning event. Go here for details on Fourth Dimensional Leadership and how to register.
I hope to see you on the LIVE Stream!
Moving Forward
P.S. Even though it’s being streamed, you don’t have to watch the program live. You can watch the replay of every minute of the seminar at your convenience for 7 days after the event is over. Get all the details here.
About Juan Alvarado

Hi, my name is Juan Alvarado, I was Born and raise in the Dominican Republic. I`m the oldest of four brothers and sisters, I graduated from high school in 1988. Looking for a better future, I came to the US in 1993. In the land of opportunity, I have been able to open doors and obtain the goals to pursuit my Happiness (financial Freedom) and to my kids. In 2001 I started working in the Filming industry as a parking P/A (production Assistant and Parking) . work long hours 90 to 110 hours per week. in 2013 became a parking Coordinator . I coordinate a couple of small production.(Billy And Billie, job, Lilly Hammer) among others. I like the job, but I don`t think I promoted myself good enough to get a contract with a big production. In 2015 I decide to start doing internet Marketing and I being working my way since then. being happy, healthy & wealthy is a normal state of life for you and me , and everyone else who wants it Motivation sales What you're doing now isn't working well enough you - you deserve better! Discover a proven way to create a huge following and reap huge rewards! See how easy it is to get started fast, have an amazing support system and set yourself up for a lifetime of financial security! "There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge" Napoleon Hill accelerate your goals with knowledge ! Always Moving Forward + positive Energy