Leased Ad Space
Hello everyone!
This blog post is taken from my blog - Marketing with John.
I will probably create original content for this blog here at LeasedAdSpace, but for the moment I will share what I have wrtten from my other blog.
I had an interesting email exchange with a program owner. I have been a member of the program for a number of years, but for one reason or another never really did much with it.
The basis of the discussion was that I was not able to take advantage of something that was advertised in the membership area of this program as being only available to "upgraded members." There was no mention of a "minimum upgrade," so I took the lowest one available.
After not being able to take advantage of what was offered I contacted support. I was contacted by one of the co-owners. At first the exchange was rather normal and pleasant. I explained my problem and the co-owner explained why I was not able to take advantage of what was being offered even though I was upgraded. I mentioned that I felt a bit misled. The co-owner understood, apologized, said that the wording would be changed and offered to give me a refund. I was even offered a discount on an upgrade that would qualify me for what was being offered, but I simply could not fit it in my budget at the time, so I didn't take advantage of it, but decided to keep the upgrade that I already had paid for.
That would have normally would have been the end of things until I noticed that the wording on the payment page was changed, but not the wording in the members area that you see that encourages you to upgrade. I mentioned that to the co-owner and received the following response:
"I am a little confused though, you have been a member for almost 5 years, have no referrals and are not even promoting CS, even though you are Upgraded.
So what do you think ***** (the advertised offer) will do to aid your future? Also, why should I keep spending all this time with you?
You have done nothing but complain about wording, which no one else has ever cared about.
Just what is your problem?
I have no time to waste on this topic- either Upgrade or don't- ***** (the advertised offer) is not needed for earning commissions.
Well, that upset me a bit. It upset me because first of all that was a bit rude, and second of all I was just trying to make the co-owner aware of something that someone else may make a very big deal out of because it could be a case of false advertising.
After that unpleasant exchange I did some networking about that particular co-owner and received some mixed reviews. In the end I came to the conclusion (thanks to the networking that I did) that the person was probably reacting in frustration, but that it was no reflection on the benefits of the advertised offer. So I decided to simply drop it, but could not get the exchange out of my head. Thus, the birth of this blog post.
For all practical purposes I was (at the time of the exchange) an upgraded member and received such treatment, not from my upline, but from the CO-OWNER of the program. Not good.
Anyone who has been in our industry for a while knows that folks often join things for free and then do nothing with it until something for some reason (like the advertisement of a special offer for upgraded members) encourages them to get active in a certain program/service that they had done nothing with for quite sometime. Should those "sleepers" be treated with disrespect, or be welcomed with open arms?
What say you?
Thanks for reading my blah blah blah.
Please leave your comments – that is what makes the whole “system” work.
Till next time!
Yours in Success,
John L. Brewer
Email -
Skype - johnnysurf458
About John Brewer

I am an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher and Internet Marketer. I use Internet Marketing to help fund my English training business. I am an American that has lived in Germany for more than 20 years and have been teaching and marketing for about 10 years. I a thoroughly enjoy them both! I love teaching folks how to communicate in English better and also how to earn money online through Internet Marketing.