LAS Blogs: Eve Hoeg

About Eve Hoeg


Hello, I have been a member of LeasedAdSpace since launch. This ia a great place to promote your business. Easy , userfriendly - and an effective way to drive traffic to your site. Good luck with your business and have a nice day! Eve

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! →

Are you SELF SABOTAGING yourself?

Published on 02-13-2018 06:02:46 AM by Eve Hoeg



Kills procrastination forever…

Hey, just a quick note for you today!

You know, many good, smart and hardworking people think they lack the “follow thru” gene.

And so they’re quick to hold themselves back, labelling

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Not seeing DAILY commissions? (try this)

Published on 02-05-2018 08:02:07 AM by Eve Hoeg

Puts big commissions in your account…


You’ll need more than just a PDF.

I’m not sure if you’d be open to getting more leads and sales today, or not?

If so…

What I often see holding many good people back?

Is that they’re looking for more

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Afraid you’ll outlive your nestegg?

Published on 02-05-2018 08:02:05 AM by Eve Hoeg

Tired of pinching pennies for the future?


Life is to be enjoyed today, not in 20 years.

There’s many people that sock away nearly “every penny” they earn, because they fear their life will eventually outlive their nestegg.

Which is a bit sad to me.

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Big Income TIP inside… (is it your ads?)

Published on 02-05-2018 08:02:47 AM by Eve Hoeg

Can’t get your ads profitable? (use this)


This must happen first, before any ad will churn big sales your way…

Here’s a BIG TIP for you! ?

Dan Kennedy is a highly paid and sought out consultant.

And, he’s one of the great marketers of our time. He

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Getting leads, but few sales?

Published on 02-05-2018 08:02:35 AM by Eve Hoeg

Getting BAD LEADS? (please read)


A little bit of “truth tea” for you…

Want to save a ton of ad spend, frustration, and ADD a lot more sales to your bottom-line?

Good deal?

Most miss this!

Don’t underestimate it.

Don’t market to

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Hate getting UNSUBS? (do this)

Published on 02-05-2018 08:02:29 AM by Eve Hoeg

Getting unsubs and complaints?


Could this be holding you back?

If you’re building up an email list, or FB page, and you’re afraid of getting unsubs, complaints, etc.?

Please, please don’t worry about it!

(Of course, if you’re “spamming” and

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Saying GOODBYE to the mundane…

Published on 02-05-2018 08:02:00 AM by Eve Hoeg

Sick of the 9 to 5 GRIND? Breaking free?


Breaking free from the mundane.

What will friends and family think?

There’s nothing wrong with the educational system, per say…

If that’s what you want to do.

Yet, by and large, it mostly preps people

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Living paycheck to paycheck? Want more?

Published on 01-24-2018 06:01:10 AM by Eve Hoeg

Work, pay bills, repeat…

When the next pay period rolls around, many people either have to slave at their 9-5 to earn more income for the next few weeks.

Or, they have to go hunt for new “meat” to feed and shelter their family, with their sales or commission-based careers,

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Gets you off the Income Rollercoaster

Published on 01-24-2018 06:01:21 AM by Eve Hoeg

Income up and down? (This may help steady it)


More regular and bigger income…

Just as bad, if not worse than barely having anything left over each month after bills and living expenses?

It’s having an up-and-down income.

If you’re on the

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Days flying by? Want to enjoy life more?

Published on 01-24-2018 06:01:39 AM by Eve Hoeg

Too busy to smell the roses? (Try this)


Slows down your days so you can enjoy what’s most important, for you.

There’s a great movie: A Good Year, starring Russell Crowe.

Have you seen it?

Russell’s character is this “big wig” Investment Banker

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