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Life-Changing Tips for Maintaining Positive Energy Everyday
Published by Francois Kok — 09-06-2017 03:09:08 PM
Life-Changing Tips for Maintaining Positive Energy Everyday
How does a typical day start for you?
Does the following scenario sound all too familiar?
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You’re shocked out of a fitful sleep by a blaring alarm. As you crawl out of bed bemoaning the stresses of the day ahead, you turn on the TV or radio, open your newspaper, or click onto the Internet. What do you see? The media delights in engulfing you with stories of horrific events.
As you leave your home, you’re surrounded by harried drivers until you finally arrive at the office, only to be submerged in office politics and other trappings of the rat race.
In a world filled with so much negativity, is it possible to live a positively charged life?
The answer is yes! Consider, for a moment, how this same day could have started if you were focusing on positivity, instead:
As you awaken, you feel rejuvenated by restful slumber. You’re greeted by the melody of the birds singing as they herald the beauty of the new day. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air and you sit up, stretch, and spend a leisurely moment taking it all in.
You spend your commute wondering what exciting opportunities await you as you plan a fulfilling day mixed with working toward your goals and enjoying your favorite hobbies. At the office, your co-workers chat amiably as they settle in for a productive day.
Which morning do you prefer?
The amazing thing is you have the power to choose either one!
Try these life-changing strategies that help you discover your power to keep positive energy flowing on a daily basis:
1. Interact with nature. As simple as it may sound, you can gain a positive outlook by interacting with nature. The beauty of nature is the reality that, regardless of the surrounding circumstances, the course of nature continues.
- Sunlight always breaks through the cloudiest days and darkest nights.
- Spring brings an annual rebirth of life as new plants peek through the frozen snow.
- Animals carry on their natural routines as they fulfill their purpose.
2. Connect with your spiritual side. Spirituality can bring calmness, happiness and serenity to your life. These attributes help to contribute to positive energy. Whether you decide to embrace.
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About Francois Kok

Who am I? Just a regular guy who likes to interact with others on lead generation, marketing, promoting and the fun side of the business. Looking to always improve my outlook on life and help others achieve the success that having a mindset for personal growth. As a master in the art of living, I draw no sharp distinctions between my work and play, my labour, my mind, my education and my recreation. Anyways just wanted to connect Currently, I am Living in South Africa on the western side of one of the major cities called Johannesburg in a town called Krugersdorp. "Seeker of Peace - Legend in His Own Time World Traveler, Casual Hero, Soldier of Fortune, Philosopher, Wars Fought, Tigers Tamed, Uprisings Quelled. - ALL ROUND GOOD GUY - "