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100% SUCCESS RATE: Everyone who applies one, two, or all three methods of flipping Habits-to-Cash will enjoy more money in their pocket. It is tax-free since it is money you have already received. All we are helping you to do is decide where and who gets your hard-earned money; be it for your kid's education, investment, saving, family vacation, etc.
BONUS: Need to rebuild your credit? CLICK HERE
The purpose here is not to stop any of these common habits (if you do, it’s your choice). The job really is to modify a few chosen habits in order to divert some of the money we spend on these HABITS/activities and divert them to fund important stuff. This includes thing like: investments, a kid's education fund, and starting a business, to name a few.your business. The examples shown here, use pricing based on the average person living in Toronto, ON, Canada. Your city may vary.
Saving $100 or more per month is as easy as applying any of the three habit modification suggestions for most who work in Canada, USA, UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Let’s get started...
1) Buy Lunch Habit
Frequency: daily (5 days per week)
Average Price: $14
Current Habit Cost: $70.00 per week
Habit Modification: Buy lunch twice a week / pack lunch 3 days per week
Saving: $42.00 per week / $168.00 per month / $2,016.00 per year
2) Travel to Work Habit
Frequency: daily (5 days per week)
Average Price: $16.00 per day parking + 1 gal gas @ $4.85/gal (CAD$1.29/L)
Current Habit Cost: $20.85 per day / $104.25 per week / $417.00 per month
Habit Modification: Take transit (if possible); $3.25 each way ($6.50 per day)
Save: $14.35 per day / $71.75 per week / $287 per month saving / $3,731 per year
3) Smoking Habit
Frequency: 1 pack per day (7 days per week)
Average Price: $14 per pack (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Current Habit Cost: $98 per week / $392 per month / $4,704 per year
Habit Modification: Reduce smoking from 7 packs to 5 packs per week
Savings: $28 per week / $112 per month / $1456 per year
FUN FACT: If you live in Auckland, New Zealand where the average price of a pack of cigarettes is $35 your saving would be: $70 per week / $280 per month / $3,640 per year
If you do all 3; your potential savings $7,203 annually.
In conclusion, you can have more of your hard-earned money doing more for you, when you decide how you spend your money and put it into action. In addition, a 'side hustle' is a great way to supplement your work-from-home income.
And finally...
CLICK HERE for more ways to save money for what you want.
Earn money from home: Save on transportation costs. Open free accounts at the sites below and learn to earn online...
1) Signup for a free account. Learn to create SEO content for your offers.
2) Open a free account here to advertise your content/offers.
3) Start a FREEmium account at 12SC for unique tools to work online.
About Courtney Thompson

Courtney is a tech writer and affiliate marketer. He focuses on web, app, and software solutions to common problems experienced by many.