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If you missed out on the beginning of BITCOIN, don't miss out on ELECTRONEUM.
It's a new I.C.O. based out of the U.K.
Hey here's your chance to buy 'Bitcoin' for only a penny...
Remember those people who acquired Bitcoin back in 2009 when it was only $0.01?
You can get 10,000 coins for only $100. If it hits like they think it will, this could be your retirement money.
If you invest today and it hits $1 during launch that would mean that your...
$100 will be worth $10,000
$1,000 will be worth $100,000
$10,000 will be worth $1,000,000
*Electroneum is the first British-developed cryptocurrency and represents a huge change of pace in the market.
*It’s built on its own unique blockchain and has been designed to dominate the mobile market.
*Electroneum has also increased its palatability to the average consumer by capping the total number of coins at 21 billion, moving the decimal point two places to the right when compared to Bitcoin, which is capped at 21 million.
*Electroneum is recommended by renowned financial experts around the world:
Yahoo Finance, ICO Bench Mark and Finance Magnantes
*Duncan Logan the CEO of Rocketspace, who manages Uber, Spotify and Hootsuite also recommends Electronuem, see what he tweeted some days ago “I have been a buyer and holder of bitcoin and Ethereum for a long time but this will be the first ICO I buy into.”
*The Electronuem ICO that started few days ago and has gotten more than 50,000 participants already, because of it popularity.
*Electroneum is the first cryptocurrency that allows mobile mining, that means you can earn money just by playing games on your mobile phones. It is developed to allow anyone regardless of technical ability easy access to a Cryptocurrency.
*Electroneum will be dropping on Coinmarketcap and various exchangers on November 1st 2017, that's why everyone is rushing to take a slot.
*You can also register for free and get 1% bonus
Don't delay launching is Nov 1. Get your Electroneum coin here.
About Courtney Thompson

Courtney is a tech writer and affiliate marketer. He focuses on web, app, and software solutions to common problems experienced by many.